Call for Papers

Operationalizing hybridization in the Mediterranean. A multiscalar approach on material culture during the Bronze and Iron Ages

ID: RI22  (main theme: Reconfiguring identities)
The call for abstracts is now open until the 16th February 2015.
Abstracts can be submitted by following this link:

Session Abstract

Concepts of hybridity and hybridization have been variously interpreted and conceptualized in archaeological studies. For many years, though, the discussion remained restricted to the theoretical arena, arguing about the proper terminology and definitions. A few attempts to operationalize an archaeology of hybridity have been made in the last years, keeping the question still vibrant. What have these theories brought to archaeological studies and vice versa? How can we, as archaeologists, translate this fruitful debate into the interpretation of archaeological data?
Within the field of the archaeology of the Central-Eastern Mediterranean, this session hopes to stimulate discussion, through a focus on material culture, on the different dynamics of borrowing, negotiating and reconfiguring multifaceted identities. We invite contributions dealing with communities and societies of the Bronze and Iron Ages.
Particularly welcome are papers investigating hybridization not only at the colonial large-scale of analysis, but also integrating inter- and intra-regional approaches: hybridization can be addressed both as the result of encounters of different societies and inside one discrete social scenario. Traces of this entanglement may be exemplified by the relations between Egypt and Palestine that, during Bronze Age, progressively led to a hybrid Egypt-Palestine set of cultural practices.
We are looking for papers dealing specifically with material culture, but inviting speakers to expand the narrative to the cultural, social and economic significance behind material culture itself, such as production and consumption, behavioural routine, dietary habits, mobility and network patterns, attribution of gender, architecture, etc.
Full session details at this link:
Francesca Chelazzi (Archaeology / School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)
Peter Van Dommelen (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University)
Angela Massafra (Archaeology / School of Humanities, University of Glasgow)