The Archaeological Review from Cambridge is pleased to announce a call for papers for Issue 31.1: In the Trenches. This edition, scheduled for publication in April 2016, focuses on the interactions between archaeology and conflict.
For this issue, the editor welcomes contributions that discuss the correlation between archaeology and conflict from any time period and any geographical location. Similarly, papers discussing issues related to the field of archaeology are encouraged, including conservation, heritage management and history. The goal is for this issue to discuss the various topics where archaeology and war overlap:

  • What effect, positive or negative, have hostilities had on site management, material culture and cultural heritage? What steps can be taken to ensure that sites and artifacts in war zones are protected or preserved in some way?
  • What methodologies might be employed to ensure that the maximum amount of information is gained from sites that are under threat?
  • How should battlefields and related material artifacts be preserved in order to achieve the best results for a scholarly and popular audience?
  • What can the excavation of battlefields tell a modern audience about the social history and implications of war?
  • What unique opportunities are presented by combining first-hand civilian and military accounts with archaeological material from the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries?

Abstracts of no more than 500 words describing your potential paper should be sent to Meghan Strong ( by 8 March 2015. First drafts of papers (of no more than 4000 words) will be due in early June 2015.
The Archaeological Review from Cambridge is a not-for-profit journal managed and published on a voluntary basis by postgraduate archaeology research students at the University of Cambridge. Issues are published twice a year. Although primarily rooted in archaeological theory and practice, the ARC accommodates a wide range of perspectives in the hope of establishing a strong, interdisciplinary journal which will be of interest to those engaged in a range of fields, and therefore breaking down some of the boundaries that exist between disciplines.
We look forward to reading your submissions. For questions, please contact the theme editor, Meghan Strong, at