Summer 2016 is the final season of WARP, an interdisciplinary archaeological survey along the Inachos river, west of the city of Argos in southern Greece. This intensive pedestrian survey includes the known archaeological sites of the Classical polis of Orneai, Mycenaean chamber tombs, and fortifications of the Roman, Medieval, and Ottoman periods, as well as an extensive system of ancient roads and passes. Among the project’s aims are (a) to understand the settlement dynamics of Argos, an important center in virtually all periods of Greek history but whose hinterland is scarcely understood, and (b) to detect the networks that connected the micro-regions of the western Argolid to each other and to neighboring valleys in the northeastern Peloponnese. We seek undergraduate field walkers for this summer either as volunteers or as credit-earning field school students.
Participants stay on the beach in comfortable vacation apartments in the beautiful fishing village of Myloi on the Gulf of Argos. Saturday field trips include the major Bronze Age palace sites at Mycenae and Tiryns, the Classical sites of Nemea, Corinth, and Epidauros (where we also see a play in the ancient theater), and the Medieval fortress of Nauplio, as well as numerous local museums.
Dates: May 29 – July 10, 2016.
Deadline for Application: April 15, 2015 (This is a rolling deadline, which means that we process applications as we get them until the project fills and this may be before April 15, so apply early!).
Fee: $3750 (for volunteers); $4750 (in-state, CO)/$5750 (out-of-state) (for the six-credit field school). Fees include six-weeks of accommodation in Myloi, most meals and transportation during the project, and entrance to all sites and museums.
For further information, see and
Or email Dr. Dimitri Nakassis ( or Dr. Sarah James (