Ustica field school
Dates for the Ustica field school are always announced fairly close to the start of the field school (usually the first two weeks in June), so this would suit someone who is traveling to Sicily or Italy anyway and wants to spend an extra two weeks digging on Ustica. The flyer from the 2018 season is attached: Ustica 2018
There is accommodation for up to about ten students, who will spend the morning excavating and the afternoon processing finds. This year, we will be joined by a PhD student who will study the animal remains, and by a recent PhD who will be doing the archaeobotany, and some restauratori. There are a couple of lectures in Italian and one in English and a museum visit. It’s not a fancy dig since, but the site is very rich in material and fun to dig as we uncover more structures. There is great potential for students to do their theses and there is a huge backlog of pottery that still needs to be studied from previous excavations. Brown students would be very welcome!
If you’re interested in joining the dig, please contact: