Calling all archaeology students and researchers with an interest in maritime archaeology. We are inviting applicants to apply to join an underwater archaeology field school in Croatia this September 2-13, 2019. This field school is offered FREE OF CHARGE. Accommodation is included, students need only cover the cost of their flights to Croatia. This field school is run by the International Center of Underwater Archaeology, Zadar, and co-organised and co-instructed by Oxford University DPhil student in Archaeological Science, and National Geographic Explorer, Lisa Briggs.
The course will consist of theoretical and practical (hands on) instruction in underwater documentation and archaeological excavation. The main aim of the course is to to allow the participants acquire the best possible knowledge of basic underwater archaeology research techniques.
Students of ANY GENDER are encouraged to apply.
Students are required to have an entry level diving qualification prior to attending (PADI Open Water Scuba Diver or equivalent) and the field school also includes training and certification in two diving specialties: Peak Performance Buoyancy, and Underwater Navigation.
For further details, and to apply, please follow the link below.
We hope to see you in Croatia!