Archaeological field school in Bulgaria 2020

The archaeological excavations will be carried out at Batulya fortress – a Byzantine stronghold, situated in Stara planina (Old Mountain). This is relatively new archaeological site – the archaeological excavations here started in 2017. The fortress is registered for the first time in 80s but never has been studied. Nowadays on the terrain can be seen the remains of old fortification wall as well as some of the buildings inside of the stronghold. The protective walls have thickness of 1,5 meters and are preserved along about 100 meters at the Northern part of the fortification. The dimensions of the fortified area are about 1500 sq.m. The walls fence an area with rectangular layout. At the Eastern part on the terrain are traced ruins of square tower.

Session 1: June 23 – July 11, 2020
Session 2: July 12 – July 25, 2020

To join us you should simply fill in our Application form. In the time of applying we required 30% of the participation fee to be paid in advance. This amount is not refundable! Your place is considered reserved only after the payment of the fee.

After receiving of your application we will proceed your documents and will contact you within three days with further instructions. The rest of the fee is payable 4 weeks before beginning of the field school. This amount is fully reimbursable but in case of cancellation you should inform us not later than one week prior beginning of the digs. After this deadline the amount is not refundable!

Any additional questions concerning application procedure and field school you can send to

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