The Cornell Institute of Archaeology and Material Studies (CIAMS) ( invites applications for a two-year Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate in Archaeology position, starting in Fall 2023. We invite applications from scholars who have completed the Ph.D. within the last three years with a specialization in archaeology (broadly defined). We especially seek applicants who offer areas of research and teaching that complement the existing CIAMS faculty (see The area of specialization is open, but we are particularly interested in scholars with research interests in the archaeology of the Western Mediterranean and related regions in Europe and/or North Africa within the past three millennia. We are also interested in candidates who can bring new analytical methods to CIAMS, including but not limited to paleoethnobotanical research. Given the interdisciplinary nature of the faculty, we seek scholars whose work addresses issues of broad intellectual significance.
The Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate will teach two courses per year, and will deliver at least one public lecture each year (one of which may form part of the CIAMS, Finger Lakes AIA, or NYSAA lecture series). Additionally, the position-holder will be responsible for organizing and moderating the CIAMS brown-bag workshop series during the first year, and for organizing and hosting a thematic speaker series during one semester of the second year. The balance of the Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate’s time is to be devoted to her/his own research. A faculty mentor will be appointed to assist the Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate with their professional development. The Hirsch Postdoctoral Associate is required to be in residence at Cornell during the semesters of her/his tenure, but is free to conduct fieldwork in the summer or during the winter break if desired. The salary for the position meets the NIH minimum commensurate with experience. Materials must be received by April 1, 2023 to receive full consideration. Eligibility: Applicants must have received the Ph.D. degree no earlier than January 1, 2020. Applicants who will complete all requirements for the Ph.D. degree (including filing the dissertation) before appointment in August 2023 are eligible to apply. The completion requirement for the Ph.D. degree will in no circumstances be waived or extended. Teaching: The position-holder is expected to teach four classes during the two years at Cornell, as follows: (1) a lower-level undergraduate course on a broadly-construed topic within his/her specialization; (2) a course on the practice of archaeology (on methods, ethics, etc.); (3) an upper-level course for a mix of undergraduate and graduate students on topics in his/her geographical area; and (4) a course of the applicant’s choosing. The timing and content of offerings will be negotiated after the fellow has accepted the position.
Applications: Applications must be submitted through Academic Jobs Online Please submit (1) a letter of application; (2) CV; (3) a statement on the applicant’s contribution to diversity, equity, and inclusion (4) a list of two courses (each with a 100-word description) that you propose to teach at Cornell; (5) a description of a possible theme for a series of 3–4 speakers in the second year; and (6) names and contact information for three references. Letters of reference and additional materials will be solicited for those applicants of the most interest to Cornell. Questions about the position or the application process should be addressed to Search Committee Chair Prof. Caitie Barrett at
Month: March 2023 (Page 1 of 2)
The Wenner-Gren Foundation is a private operating foundation dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. Located in New York City, it is one of the major international funding sources for anthropological research and is actively engaged with the anthropological community through its grant, fellowship, conference, publication, and capacity building programs. They help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world.
The Fellowship in Peer Review is a two-year paid fellowship. The Fellow will play a pivotal role in helping Wenner-Gren in advancing its mission. The Foundation receives around 1,500 applications per year. To assist with the review process, they maintain a pool of some 60 reviewers from institutions across the world. Most of our applicants are seeking support for individual research projects. As an integral member of a small, hardworking team, the Fellow will assist the Foundation in supporting our applicants and identifying the most exciting, innovative projects to fund. The Fellow will take part in identifying and recruiting reviewers, vetting feedback, and tracking trends in the research Wenner-Gren supports. The ideal candidate will have an advanced degree in anthropology, be intellectually curious, discerning, and strongly committed to inclusion and racial justice, and have an expansive vision of the discipline. This individual will also be exceedingly well-organized and collegial and have experience assessing academic work. The Fellow in Peer Review must be an extraordinary writer, have excellent interpersonal skills, and enjoy serving and collaborating with a diverse community of scholars and professionals.
For more information on how to apply and key responsibilities, follow the link here.
Global climate change policy is not enough: environmental damage emerges patch by patch. It is up close and personal as well as planetary. Perhaps what we need is a “field guide” to the feral, that is, to nonhuman responses to human building projects that are out of human control: from noxious weeds to plagues to out-of-control carbon-dioxide emissions. This talk shows how we might address the Anthropocene in its granular particularity—while still attending to the global and the planetary.
Currently Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing is an internationally renowned anthropologist. In addition to over forty articles, Prof Tsing is the author of several award-winning books, including In the Realm of the Diamond Queen (1995) and Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection (2005). In 2010, Prof. Tsing received a Guggenheim Fellowship, during which she wrote her multiple award–winning book, The Mushroom at the End of the World (2015), which considers how the matsutake mushroom is a figure for understanding global dilemmas of capitalism and the environment. Between 2013 and 2018, Prof. Tsing was Niels Bohr Professor at Aarhus University in Denmark, where she established a transdisciplinary program encompassing the humanities, natural sciences, social sciences, and the arts in an exploration of the “Anthropocene,” i.e., the geologic epoch defined by human disturbance of the earth’s ecosystems. From that project, she co-curated Feral Atlas: The More-than-Human Anthropocene (2021), a multi-disciplinary digital exploration of the Anthropocene. She is currently co-authoring a book that draws from that project, entitled Field Guide to the Patchy Anthropocene.
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Time: 5:30 PM EST
Location: Wolfensohn Hall and via Zoom
The Institute requires that anyone attending an in-person event be fully vaccinated. Please click here for IAS COVID-19 protocol information.
This talk will explore how and why Pompey’s Pillar – more properly known as Diocletian’s Column – has inspired storytellers, artists, and adventurers from Roman times to the present day. The enormous column is one of the few standing monuments preserved from ancient Alexandria in Egypt. It has survived numerous regime changes and earthquakes from the time it was set up on a high hill near the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. After the destruction of Alexandria’s famous ancient lighthouse, Pompey’s Pillar endured as a symbol of Alexandria and a celebrated landmark for travelers arriving in the city by land and sea. Presented by Dr. Paul Stanwick.
Date: March 25, 2023
Time: 2:00pm ET
CMARE invites applications to their new summer intensive course on ceramic petrography. This course is designed for students and early career researchers with some pre-existing knowledge of ceramic petrography who wish to sharpen their analytical skills and implement this technique in their research. The program is an analog to an archaeological field school, but focuses on expanding participants’ knowledge of post-excavation research activities. The program will take placed July 24-August 18, 2023.
Students will spend one month in Boston honing their petrographic skills while getting hands-on training in micro-structural characterization and the identification of technological features as observed in ancient ceramics. The instructors will guide participants through a wide number of laboratory exercises that will build the necessary foundation for the detailed analysis of archaeological ceramic assemblages. Participants are strongly suggested to bring a set prepared thin sections from their own research to analyze during the course. For more information, please visit:
Interested students should fill out an initial application by March 31st. More details will be provided to accepted applicants.
For questions, please email Dr. Jennifer Meanwell ( and Dr. Will Gilstrap (
To celebrate the SPBS Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, enjoy free access to a special collection of articles from Cambridge’s Classics journals.
Where not already Open Access, content is free to read and download until the end of April 2023. The articles include:
- Did the Byzantines call themselves Byzantines? Elements of Eastern Roman identity in the imperial discourse of the seventh century – Panagiotis Theodoropoulos, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
- Law, custom and myth: Aspects of the social position of women in classical Athens – John Gould, The Journal of Hellenic Studies
- A lead figurine from Toprakhisar Höyük: magico-ritual objects in the Syro-Anatolian Middle Bronze Age – Murat Akar and Demet Kara, Anatolian Studies
A Conversation and Q&A with Daniel Weiss
Thursday, March 23 | 5:30 p.m.
Wolfensohn Hall
Daniel H. Weiss, president and chief executive officer of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, is a scholar of art history and former president of Lafayette College and Haverford College.
Hear him in conversation with IAS Director David Nirenberg as they discuss Weiss’s latest book, his work, and the state of culture and higher education in the world today.
The Institute requires that anyone attending an in-person event be fully vaccinated. Please click here for IAS COVID-19 protocol information.
Thank you in advance, IAS Events

On Wednesday, March 22nd at 5:30 pm in Room 108 of Rhode Island Hall, Brown University, Dr. William Fitzhugh (Smithsonian Institution) will deliver a talk entitled:
“Climate Change in the Arctic: It’s Happening Fast, and It’s Happened Before.”
Arctic archaeology reveals how patterns of climate change have both facilitated migrations and extinguished cultures and animals beginning when humans first began to live in Arctic regions 40,000 years ago. We follow these developments in northern Russia, Alaska, Canada, and Greenland as environments and cultures changed, new technology and adaptations developed, and Arctic peoples interacted with each other and with southerners. The story of the Greenland Norse serves as an example of how humans have failed to observe signals of their impending disaster, what they could have done to avoid it, and what we should do now to avoid a similar, but global, fate.
The talk is free and open to the public, and will be followed by a brief reception. Additionally, Dr. Fitzhugh and the AIA Narragansett Society board will be going out to dinner following the lecture – members are welcome to join!
If you are planning to attend the lecture/reception, and if you are interested in joining the dinner, please fill out this RSVP form by Friday, March 17th.
The Professional Grant Proposal Writing Workshop is an intensive and detailed introduction to the process, structure, and skill of professional proposal writing. This course is characterized by its ability to act as a thorough overview, introduction, and refresher at the same time.
Through the completion of interactive exercises, live online lectures and discussions, question and answer sessions, and virtual instructor feedback, participants will learn the entire proposal writing process. Students will complete the course with a solid understanding of not only the ideal proposal structure, but a holistic understanding of the essential factors, which determine whether or not a program gets funded. Through the completion of interactive exercises and activities, participants will complement expert lectures by putting proven techniques into practice. This course is designed for both the beginner looking for a thorough introduction and the intermediate looking for a refresher course that will strengthen their grant acquisition skills. This class, simply put, is designed to get results by creating professional grant proposal writers. This course will be identical in content coverage to our award winning in-person workshops, but will follow a module format that will allow students to both follow the program live on the day of launch, and complete the program at their own pace, anytime thereafter.
Program Overview
Participants will become competent program planning and proposal writing professionals after successful completion of the Grant Proposal Writing Workshop. Through this online program, students will be exposed to the art of successful grant writing practices, and led on a journey that ends with a masterful grant proposal.
The Grant Proposal Writing Workshop consists of three (3) subject areas that will be covered during this online course:
(1) Fundamentals of Program Planning
This session is centered on the belief that “it’s all about the program.” This intensive session will teach professional program development essentials and program evaluation. While most grant writing “workshops” treat program development and evaluation as separate from the writing of a proposal, this workshop will teach students the relationship between overall program planning and grant writing.
(2) Proposal Writing Essentials
Designed for both the novice and experienced grant writer, this component will make each student an overall proposal writing specialist. In addition to teaching the basic components of a grant proposal, successful approaches, and the do’s and don’ts of grant writing, this workshop is infused with expert principles that will lead to a mastery of the process. Strategy resides at the forefront of this course’s intent to illustrate grant writing as an integrated, multidimensional, and dynamic endeavor. Each student will learn to stop writing the grant and to start writing the story. Ultimately, this class will illustrate how each component of the grant proposal represents an opportunity to use proven techniques for generating support.
(3) Funding Research
At its foundation, this course will address the basics of foundation, corporation, and government grant research. However, this course will teach a strategic funding research approach that encourages students to see research not as something they do before they write a proposal, but as an integrated part of the grant seeking process. Students will be exposed to online and database research tools, as well as publications and directories that contain information about foundation, corporation, and government grant opportunities. Focusing on funding sources and basic social science research, this course teaches students how to use research as part of a strategic grant acquisition effort.
$398.00 tuition includes all materials and certificates.
Each student will receive:
- Access to the Online Classroom Platform which includes live lectures,assignments, class discussion boards, and resources
- The Funding Foundation’s Certificate in Professional Grant Proposal Writing
- The Guide to Successful Grant Proposal Writing
- The Grant Writer’s Workbook with sample proposals, forms, and outlines
Registration Methods
- On-Line – Complete the online registration form and we’ll send your confirmation by e-mail.
- By Phone – Call (626) 385-8211 to register by phone. Our friendly Program Coordinators will be happy to assist you and answer your questions.
- By E-mail – Send us an e-mail with your name, organization, and basic contact information and we will reserve your slot and send your Confirmation Packet.
The Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East and the Harvard Museum of Natural History is hosting a hybrid lecture on iron harvested from meteorites in Ancient Egypt.
In this lecture, Almansa-Villatoro will discuss Egyptian texts, iconography, and religious writings that associate iron with the sky and stars, indicating that ancient Egyptians were aware that meteorites came from space. This knowledge—most likely shared with other ancient civilizations that connected iron and sky in their texts—was lost in modern times, as it was only until the eighteenth century that meteorites were confirmed to be of extraterrestrial origin.
Free event parking at 52 Oxford Street Garage. Presented by the Harvard Museum of the Ancient Near East, the Harvard Museum of Natural History, and the Harvard Museums of Science & Culture. Advanced registration is required.
Date: Thursday, March 9, 2023
Time: 6:00 – 7:00pm ET
Location: Zoom or Geological Lecture Hall, 24 Oxford Street, Cambridge