Position Title: Associate/Full Professor, Classical Archaeology
Institution Name: University of California, Los Angeles
Position Rank: Open
Area of Specialty: Archaeology
Application Deadline: 2024-11-01
The Department of Classics at the University of California, Los Angeles, has been authorized to make an appointment to a full-time position in Classical Archaeology at the rank of Associate or Full Professor, with tenure, effective July 1, 2025. We invite applications from scholars with expertise in any area of Classical Greek and Roman Archaeology. The successful candidate will be able to offer courses in Greek and/or Roman Archaeology at all levels and to participate in the interdepartmental Ph.D. program in Archaeology. It would also be customary for the successful candidate to be elected to affiliation with the UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and to participate in its activities, including archaeological fieldwork.
The UCLA Classics Department is home to a productive community of scholars and teachers. Our members also participate in other UCLA interdisciplinary academic units, in addition to the Cotsen Institute, such as the new initiative in Global Antiquity, the Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World, the Center for the Study of Religion, and the Program in Digital Humanities, and we would welcome applicants who could contribute to these units, as well.
The Ph.D. is required before the date of appointment, and applicants should either hold a tenured appointment or its equivalent, or be eligible to begin a tenured position. Candidates should have an outstanding record in research, teaching, and service. Candidates should also demonstrate a commitment to student mentoring/advising and to teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. We welcome candidates whose experience in teaching, research, or community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence.
For a candidate of suitable rank and stature in the field, the Steinmetz Chair in Classical Archaeology may be awarded, which can assist in furthering the chairholder’s research.
Applicants should submit the materials listed below by November 1, 2024, after which date the search committee will begin to review applications:
• Letter of application, including a detailed research statement
• Current curriculum vitae
• Names and contact information for three recommenders
• Course evaluations and/or other material bearing on teaching effectiveness
• A representative article-length publication
• Statement on contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion
• Reference check authorization release form
These materials must be submitted online at:
Informal inquiries may be directed to Professor David Blank, Chair of the Search Committee (blank@humnet.ucla.edu). Please cite the reference number for this search in all correspondence: JPF09819.
Staff contact (for help with the application process): Mark Kaminsky (mkaminsky@humnet.ucla.edu)
The Search Committee expects to begin meeting selected candidates remotely in November. In a second stage of the search, the committee will request letters of reference and additional materials, such as further samples of scholarly work and sample course syllabi.
View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at https://classicalstudies.org/
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