Each library is offered complete. Catalogues of the libraries in pdf format are to be found on our website. Our current stock of collections includes libraries on Archaeology, Art, Architecture & Design from the Ancient World to Contemporary Art.
Professor Sheila Blair and Professor Jonathan Bloom
Islamic Art & Architecture: The Library of Professor Sheila Blair and Professor Jonathan M. Bloom, joint holders of the Norma Jean Calderwood University Chair of Islamic and Asian Art at Boston College, 2000-2018; and joint holders of the Hamad bin Khalifa Endowed Chair of Islamic Art at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, 2006-2022
3,908 titles in circa 4,765 volumes
Professor Daniel T. Potts
Archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula, Central & Western Asia & The Indus Valley: The Library of Professor Daniel T. Potts. Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University; Freie Universität Berlin (1981-86); University of Copenhagen (1980-81, 1986-1991); Edwin Cuthbert Hall Chair of Middle Eastern Archaeology, University of Sydney (1991-2012); Founding editor of the journal Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
2,611 titles in over 3,165 volumes
Professor Roy P. Mottahedeh
Islamic Civilization: The Library of Professor Roy P. Mottahedeh, Gurney Professor of History, Emeritus, Harvard University; Director of The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University from 1987-1990; Inaugural Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Islamic Studies Program at Harvard University, 2006-2011; MacArthur Foundation Prize recipient, 1981; Founder of the journal Harvard Middle East and Islamic Review
6,527 titles in over 8,125 volumes
Professor Baber Johansen
The Library of Professor Baber Johansen, Professor of Islamic Religious Studies and Research Professor of Islamic Studies, Harvard Divinity School; Acting Director of the Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School (2006-2010); Director of The Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University (2010-2013); Faculty Associate and Executive Committee Member of The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. Professor for Islamic Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (1972-1995); Directeur d’études at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Centre d’étude des normes juridiques), Paris (1995-2005)
1,526 titles in circa 1,820 volumes
The Ebrahim Motazedi Archive of Qajar Documents
The Ebrahim Motazedi Archive. A collection of more than 34 groups of documents and manuscripts of various size and character, dating from 1785-1925, largely of the Kings and Royal Court of Iran. Numbering in excess of 120,000 sheets of documents
Art and Culture of Muslim Lands
The Library of a Private Collector of Persian Art
2,957 titles in over 3,000 volumes
Dr. Mohammed B. Alwan
Photographs of the Near and Middle East, 1860s-1930s. The Dr. Mohammed B. Alwan Collection
An archive of circa 4,500 photographs, including albumen and silver prints, color photochroms, cartes de visite, cabinet cards, stereoviews, and glass magic lantern slides
Professor Irene J. Winter
The Ancient Near East. he Library of Professor Irene J. Winter, William Dorr Boardman Professor of Fine Arts, Department of History of Art & Architecture, Harvard University, 1988-2010; Queens College, CUNY, 1971-1976; The University of Pennsylvania, 1976-1988; MacArthur Foundation Prize recipient, 1983; Editor of the Brill series, Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
1,944 titles in over 2,110 volumes
Science & Philosophy in the Islamic World
The Library of a Private Collector
673 titles
12 titles printed in the 15th century (Incunabula)
56 titles printed in the 16th century
37 titles printed in the 17th century
20 titles printed in the 18th century
55 titles printed in the 19th century