Each library is offered complete. Catalogues of the libraries, in pdf format, are to be found on our website. Our current stock of collections includes libraries on Archaeology, Art, Architecture & Design from the Ancient World to Contemporary Art.
Professor Daniel T. Potts
Archaeology of the Arabian Peninsula, Central & Western Asia & The Indus Valley: The Library of Professor Daniel T. Potts. Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology and History, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University; Freie Universität Berlin (1981-86); University of Copenhagen (1980-81, 1986-1991); Edwin Cuthbert Hall Chair of Middle Eastern Archaeology, University of Sydney (1991-2012); Founding editor of the journal Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy
2,611 titles in over 3,165 volumes
Professor Geoffrey Thorndike Martin
Ancient Egypt & Nubia: The Library of Professor Geoffrey Thorndike Martin, Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology and Philology Emeritus, University College, London; Fellow-Commoner of Christ’s College, University of Cambridge; Senior Fellow of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge; Field Director of the Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings: The Royal Theban Tomb of Horemheb
5,137 titles in 7,408 volumes
Together with over 4,000 uncatalogued offprints
Professor Irene Winter
The Ancient Near East. The Library of Professor Irene J. Winter, William Dorr Boardman Professor of Fine Arts, Department of History of Art & Architecture, Harvard University, 1988-2010; Queens College, CUNY, 1971-1976; The University of Pennsylvania, 1976-1988; MacArthur Foundation Prize recipient, 1983; Editor of the Brill series Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
1,944 titles in over 2,110 volumes
The Library of a Private Collector
The Ancient Near East. History, languages and art of the Near East from prehistoric times until the rise of Islam: The Library of a Private Collector
1,101 titles in ca.1,290 volumes
7 titles printed in the 15th century (Incunabula)
41 titles printed in the 16th century
16 titles printed in the 17th century
26 titles printed in the 18th century
112 titles printed in the 19th century
Professor Dr. Gerhard Fecht
Egyptology: The Library of Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fecht, Freie Universität Berlin
1,677 titles in over 2,430 volumes
Professor David Gordon Mitten
The Ancient World: The Library of Professor David Gordon Mitten. James Loeb Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology, Harvard University, George M. A. Hanfmann Curator of Ancient Art, Emeritus, Harvard Art Museums, Associate director Harvard-Cornell Sardis Expedition
2,774 titles in circa 2,914 volumes
Professor Dr. Hans von Steuben
Greece and the Ancient Mediterranean: The Library of Professor Dr. Hans von Steuben (University of Frankfurt) with Additions from the Library of Michael Petropoulos (Galerie Rhéa, Zürich)
1,704 titles in circa 1,880 volumes
Professor K.C. Chang
Chinese Archaeology. The Library of Kwang-Chih
Chang, Ph.D. Harvard University, 1960; Professor, and later Chair of Anthropology Department at Yale University (1961-1976); Chair of Department of Anthropology, Harvard University (1977-1983); John E. Hudson Professor of Archaeology at Harvard University (1984-2001); United States National Academy of Sciences Member (1979); Vice-President Academia Sinica, Taipei (1994-1996)
Circa 8,000 volumes
Professor Clemency Chase Coggins
Maya and Mesoamerican Art & Archaeology: From Pre-Columbian to Post-Conquest. With a section on international cultural property, museums, and the international trade in antiquities. The Library of Clemency Chase Coggins, Professor Emerita of Archaeology and Art History, Boston University; Associate of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University
3,477 titles in over 4,025 volumes
Professor William Kelly Simpson
Egyptology: The Library of Professor William Kelly Simpson
Professor of Egyptology and Near Eastern Language, Civilization and Literature, Yale University
3,106 titles in over 5,600 volumes
Photos of the books as shelved at the Biblioteca Egiptologica M. Rosa Grau, Barcelona
Professor Robert E. Murowchick
The Korean Archaeology, Art History & Cultural Heritage Library of Dr. Robert E. Murowchick. Lecturer of Archaeology, Director of Archaeology Undergraduate Studies, Director of AsianArc: Asian Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research Initiative, Boston University
circa 2,379 volumes
Professor Robert E. Murowchick
Japanese Archaeology: The Library of Dr. Robert E. Murowchick. Lecturer of Archaeology, Director of Archaeology Undergraduate Studies, Director of AsianArc: Asian Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research Initiative, Boston University
Preliminary catalogue June 2023
1,494 titles in 1,591 volumes
Forthcoming Libraries (cataloging in progress)
Professor Piotr Steinkeller
Assyria & Mesopotamia. The Library of Professor Piotr Steinkeller, Research Professor of Assyriology, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, 1981 to present. Research Associate, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1974-1981
Catalogue available Winter 2024
Please email orders@arslibri.com for inquiries and further details.