Position Title: Mellon Assistant Professor of Classical and Mediterranean Studies
Institution Name: Vanderbilt University
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Ancient Greece and Rome
Application Deadline: Rolling until the position is filled

The Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies at Vanderbilt University invites applications for a Mellon Assistant Professorship (non-tenure-track) to begin August 16, 2025, for a three-year term. The particular themes or fields of specialization within Classical and Mediterranean Studies are open, but research and teaching must demonstrate fundamental engagement with the interpretation of texts from the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, broadly defined. The ideal candidate will enrich the intellectual life of the department both by bringing a significant, active research agenda and by developing and teaching courses that will strengthen and extend the department’s curriculum. Candidates who approach the material with new methodological or theoretical perspectives are especially encouraged to apply.

To be eligible, candidates must have completed the Ph.D. in a relevant field no longer than four years prior to the appointment date in this case, August 16, 2025 and no later than August 1, 2025. In addition, candidates must possess teaching experience at the college or university level, preferably as an instructor of record. Publication of the candidate’s work or its presentation at a professional venue is also desirable.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at https://classicalstudies.org/placement-service/2024-2025/38966/mellon-a…