Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Month: February 2025 (Page 1 of 3)

Job Posting: Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Wesleyan University–Deadline 3/14/25

The Classics Department at Wesleyan is doing a job search for a 1-2 year Visiting Assistant Professor position. They are hoping to find someone who has archaeological expertise in addition to contributing to the Latin and Greek language curriculum

The application deadline is Friday, March 14. A complete application will include electronic versions of (1) a letter of application, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a research statement, and (4) a teaching statement which addresses strategies for fostering inclusivity in the classroom in general. Applicants invited for interview on Zoom will be asked to supply a writing sample of no more than 25 pages and the email addresses of three referees from whom we may obtain confidential letters of recommendation.

Job Posting:

Turkish Language Learning Summer program in Istanbul

The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is pleased to invite applications to the summer program in Turkish, Istanbul 2025.

ARIT Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language in Istanbul offers intensive advanced study of Turkish at Bogazici University during the summer 2025.  For intermediate-level learners, participants must have completed two years of Turkish language study or the equivalent.  The fellowships cover round-trip airfare to Istanbul, application and tuition fees, and a maintenance stipend.

The application deadline is February 28, 2025, by 5 pm EST.  For additional information please see the program webpage at

Job Posting: Dean’s Post Doctoral Scholar(Greek Art), Florida State University–Deadline 3/13/25

Position Title: Dean’s Post Doctoral Scholar
Institution Name: Florida State University
Position Rank: Other
Area of Specialty: Greek art and archaeology of the classical and Hellenistic periods
Application Deadline: 2025-03-31

The Department of Classics invites applications for a Dean’s Postdoctoral Scholar in Classics beginning August 2025. The department seeks a candidate with expertise in Greek art and archaeology of the classical and Hellenistic periods. Interests that complement those of existing faculty are particularly welcome. The successful candidate will bring a theoretically informed, broadly comparative perspective to the classroom, and will be expected to contribute to the department’s General Education curriculum by teaching a survey course in world archaeology.

A PhD from an accredited institution in an appropriate field of specialization is required. Eligibility is limited to individuals who have received the PhD within 5 years prior to the start of the appointment. The initial appointment is for one year with renewal for a second upon satisfactory performance of assigned duties. The teaching load is two courses per semester and will include courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The scholar is expected to carry out an active research program and to contribute to the intellectual life of the department, with the opportunity to co-organize a workshop, colloquium, or similar event during the tenure of the fellowship. Salary is $55,280 per annum and includes health benefits.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at…

Memory and Material Culture, CMSMC Symposium

Call for Papers:
Memory and Material Culture
Symposium Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 11am ET (Via Zoom)

On behalf of the Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC), the Symposium Committee is circulating a call for papers for our 2025 symposium around the theme of “Memory and Material Culture.”

Interested students are invited to submit an abstract by Friday, March 7, 2025.  Please see the attached PDF that outlines the criteria for the CFP.

2025 Symposium CFP CMSMC

Dalhousie Graduate History Society CFP Extended Deadline

The Dalhousie Graduate History Society has extended the deadline for their upcoming interdisciplinary conference to be held in hybrid form onSaturday May 3, 2025 from their campus in Halifax, Nova Scotia. They will be accepting submissions until the end of the day on Friday February 28, 2025. This year’s conference theme is Cross-Cultural Encounters and Exchanges.
Please feel free to reach out to ( or the GHS ( with any questions.

Position Announcement: Lecturer in Latin Language and Ancient Mediterranean Studies (UBC)

UBC seal
Position Title: Three-year Lecturer (Renewable) in Latin Language and Ancient Mediterranean Studies
Institution Name: University of British Columbia
Position Rank: Lecturer
Area of Specialty: Ancient Studies/Classics
Application Deadline: 2025-03-25

The Department of Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies at the University of British Columbia is seeking applications for a renewable three-year Lecturer position in Latin Language and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, to commence July 1, 2025. The teaching load for this position is eight 3-credit courses per year, and the successful candidate will also participate in departmental service, events, and initiatives. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. in Classical Studies or a related field.

In accordance with the Collective Agreement between UBC and the UBC Faculty Association, Lecturer positions at UBC are appointments without review (i.e. non-tenure track), renewable for successive terms subject to availability of funds and demonstration of excellence in teaching and service. This position is subject to final budgetary approval and will entail a probationary first year. The expected pay range for this position is $6,867 – $8,583/month. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The successful candidate will possess a strong commitment to teaching and will be able to maintain and grow our strong undergraduate Latin language program. They will also demonstrate the ability to retain and build student engagement in large lecture classes. Additional desirable areas of teaching expertise include: Greek and Roman mythology, Ancient Greek language, etymology, classical reception, online teaching. We especially welcome applications from candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing a culture of equity, inclusion, and decolonization through teaching, course development, or service.

Enquiries may be made to the Head of the Department of AMNE, Dr. Michael Griffin, at

The deadline for the receipt of applications is March 25, 2025. Applicants should apply through AMNE’s Internal Resources website at:

Information about the Department is available on the web at:

Cambridge Heritage Research Centre | CFP

The Cambridge Heritage Research Centre is due to host the 25th Annual Cambridge Heritage Symposium between the 8th and 9th May 2025 in the McDonald Building, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge. Entitled Pathways of Afterlives: Tracing, Uncovering, and Researching Legacies of the Past, this year’s symposium invites researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to meet this challenge by contributing to this ongoing discussion, considering how we study the legacies of the past. We seek to both showcase the interdisciplinary research on legacies taking place at the University of Cambridge and bring together cutting-edge work on this topic from around the world. The Symposium will create an opportunity to reflect on innovative approaches, challenge (if needed) existing ones, and exchange experiences on effective methods for researching the complex issues of legacy and heritage across time, space, and culture.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words by Friday, 28th February 2025 to the organizers at
See the attached Call for Papers for more information

Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop

Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop #3

organized by: the Department of French and Francophone Studies
Brown University 

Friday, March 14 @ 1 pm

via Zoom

FFS Professional Development Workshop #3 (1).png

World Anthropology Day

Thursday, 2/20 at 12PM in the Salomon Center, Room 203
February 20th is World Anthropology Day! Come celebrate with the Department of Anthropology and learn all about the Anthropology concentration!
This event will feature an anthropology concentrator alumni panel, meet n’ greet with faculty and DUG leaders, info on the anthropology concentration, and delicious West African food from The Village!

Groningen Faculty of Arts Research Fellowship Program 2025

The Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen has introduced a new Fellowship programme. We invite early career researchers to come to our vibrant city to make connections: with our researchers, with our students and with the residents of Groningen. To share their expertise and learn from ours, to strengthen and expand scientific networks, give expert lectures, collaborate in publications and to explore possibilities for a joint grant application.

What can be applied for

Candidates who want to hold their fellowship in the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) can apply in 2025 only for a Junior Fellowship. The Faculty of Arts offers four Junior Fellowships each year.

Fellows will receive:

  1. Guest status (OEP), providing access to all UG facilities, including the University Library, printers and flexible desk space;
  2. A bench fee up to €3,000,- for a maximum of one semester, to cover:
    1. Travel expenses;
    2. Accommodation expenses;
    3. Costs concerning the application for a Visa.

Please note that reimbursement of expenses will be paid out provided that receipts are available. All costs that exceed the funding amount will be at the expense of the Junior Fellow.

How to apply

Candidates for the Fellowship are strongly advised to contact either Prof. Sofia Voutsaki ( or Dr Anna Moles (  before Friday March 14, 2025 in order to obtain the application form and make sure that the Institute will be the right environment for their research. General enquiries can also be made by contacting the GIA coordinator at

Candidates can apply by sending the application form before the official submission deadline, i.e. by  Sunday March 30, 2025, 23:59 CEST to the following email address:

The application (max. 500 words) should contain the following:

  1. The reason(s) for a visit to the Faculty of Arts, and to the GIA in particular;
  2. A description of the added value of the visit;
  3. A description of what the Fellow will deliver in exchange for the Fellowship (seminar/public engagement activity/publication/joint grant application/…);
  4. The name of the research institute and the name of at least one research staff member within the Faculty of Arts, and specifically the GIA with whom the Fellow is planning to collaborate.

Fellowhips Flyer 2025

Application form for Fellowships 2025

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