Position Title: Lecturer on Ancient History
Institution Name: Harvard University
Position Rank: Lecturer
Area of Specialty: Ancient History
Application Deadline: 2025-02-27

The Department of the Classics seeks applications for a lecturer on Ancient History (Greek and Roman). The appointment is expected to begin on July 1, 2025. The lecturer will be responsible for four courses aimed primarily at undergraduates. One of these courses will be an introductory course on ancient Greek history. The other courses could be on topics such as slavery, warfare, empire, or religion. In addition, the lecturer may advise and evaluate senior theses.

The position is for one year.

Basic Qualifications: Doctorate in Ancient History or related discipline required by the time the appointment begins.

Additional Qualifications: Demonstrated strong commitment to teaching is desired.

Contact information: Professor Naomi Weiss, Chair, Department of the Classics. Email: nweiss@fas.harvard.edu.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at https://classicalstudies.org/placement-service/2024-2025/39004/lecturer…