Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Month: March 2025

AEF Project Update

The 2023 Season of the Mastaba of Akhmerutnisut Documentation Project (MAD-P)

The 2023 season of the Mastaba of Akhmerutnisut Documentation Project (MAD-P) focused on Giza’s mastaba G 2184, belonging to Fifth Dynasty official Akhmerutnisut. Excavated in 1912, the tomb had been poorly documented, with only brief studies later. This Luso-Brazilian project, led by Dr. Inês Torres and Dr. Luiza Osorio G. Silva (assistant director), aimed to assess the tomb’s state and document its architecture and decorations, many previously unrecorded.

The team discovered fragments of decoration, offering insights into the tomb’s construction and possible connections to Akhmerutnisut’s family. This AEF project is vital for preserving Egypt’s elite Old Kingdom tombs, often overshadowed by pyramids.

Read the Article 

NYU Center for Ancient Studies Conference

The NYU Center for Ancient Studies is organizing an upcoming conference on March 20-21, 2025, entitled “People of the Sand, People of the Tent: Archaeological Perspectives on Mobility and Fluidity in Arid Regions.” This conference will take place in person on the NYU campus. The conference is also listed here on the Center’s website.

People of the Sand, People of the Tent poster

Grad Student Professional Development Workshop

Please join us for

Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop #3

organized by the Department of French and Francophone Studies, Brown University 


Friday, March 14 | 1pm

via Zoom

SBA x Center for Field Sciences | Scholarship Announcement

Carrel Cowan-Ricks’ Scholarships

The Carrel Cowan-Ricks’ Scholarships supported by the Center for Field Sciences will support TWO undergraduate or graduate student members of the Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA) to participate in an archaeological field school. Recipients are strongly encouraged to attend field school offered by the Center for Field Sciences, but this scholarship may be applied to a field school of the recipient’s choice. The Carrel Cowan-Ricks’ Scholarship is intended for those with financial need. Each scholarship is valued at $2,000 USD.

Application Link: Carrel Cowan-Ricks’ Scholarships

Applicant Requirements:

  • Finalists will be interviewed by the President of SBA
  • Must be a current and paid Member of the SBA
  • Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited college or university in the United States or in a U.S. Territory
  • This scholarship is intended for those with financial need

Carrel Cowan-Ricks

Professor Carrell Cowan-Ricks was a groundbreaking Black woman archaeologist. Cowan-Ricks entered the Anthropology Ph.D. program at Wayne State during the early 1990s, becoming one of three African American women with a graduate degree in archaeology in the United States at the time. In 1991, Cowan-Ricks was hired by Clemson University to locate unmarked African American Burials at the Woodland Cemetery. However, in 1993, Cowan-Ricks was fired from Clemson University due to budget cuts. This scholarship is intended to honor the work and legacy of Cowan-Ricks and other under-recognized African American women in the field of archaeology.

For more information about the life and legacy of Professor Carrell Cowan-Ricks, please see this article by Clemson University.

The deadline for applications for the Carrel Cowan-Ricks’ scholarships is MARCH 20th, 2025.

Please direct questions to the SBA Secretary at

SBA x Institute for Field Research | Scholarship Announcement

George McJunkin Scholarship

The George McJunkin Scholarship, supported by the Institute for Field Research, will support ONE undergraduate or graduate student member of the Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA) to participate in an archaeological field school. This scholarship may only be applied to a field school offered by the Institute for Field Research. The scholarship will cover the full cost of the application and IFR field school fees, minus transportation expenses.

Applicant Requirements:

  • Must be a current and paid Member of the SBA
  • Must be at least 18 years old by the first day of the field school program.
  • Must have demonstrated financial need.
  • Must be accepted into an IFR field school.
  • All applications must apply directly to a field school with IFR through their website using an SBA code.

George McJunkin

George McJunkin was an African American cowboy, historian, and archaeologist. McJunkin was born enslaved in Texas before the end of the U.S. Civil War. After Emancipation, he became a cowboy and later discovered the Folsom Site–a site which fundamentally changed how archaeologists have understood the history of Indigenous Peoples on the North American continent. Although McJunkin died in 1922, his discovery of the Folsom Site and advocacy for its preservation remains one of the greatest contributions made to the field of archaeology. This scholarship is intended to honor the life and legacy of McJunkin and other under-recognized African Americans in the field of archaeology.

The deadline for applications is APRIL 1, 2025. All interested applicants need to email the SBA Secretary at to confirm current and paid SBA membership and to receive a code to apply through the IFR website.

Once you receive the code you can visit the IFR website to apply for the scholarship.

Call for papers: Ancient Climate and Environmental Archaeology (ASOR 2025, Boston)

Session Call for Papers, ASOR Annual Meeting, Nov 2025: Ancient Climate and Environmental Archaeology 
Session Chairs: Brita Lorentzen (, University of Georgia and Kathleen Forste, Brown University (
Our session welcomes paper submissions that examine past human interactions with climate, environment, and the earth system within west-central Asia and the wider Mediterranean world. Topics in paleoclimate and environmental archaeology are broadly defined and may include research using archaeobotany/paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology, geoarchaeology, including macrobotanical studies, anthracology, dendrochronology, pollen, phytolith and other micro-remain analyses, geochemical approaches, isotope analyses, remote sensing and other archaeological science methods. We also welcome papers focusing on broader theoretical and historical debates and connections between regional paleoenvironmental/paleoclimate studies and modern environmental and sustainability challenges in the Anthropocene. 
Papers from early career and internationally based researchers are especially welcome. This is a hybrid session, so there is the option to present and attend the session virtually, as well as in person at the conference venue in Boston.
Abstracts may be submitted now through March 15 (
Please note that in order to present a paper at the Annual Meeting, you must be a current member of ASOR and must register for the Annual Meeting when submitting your abstract. 
Scholarships through ASOR are available to cover all or part of the registration fee. Contact with requests and a brief explanation. 
Please feel free to contact session chairs Brita Lorentzen ( or Kathleen Forste ( with any questions.

$5 Million Mellon Grant Fuels Next Phase of CLIR’s Effort to Unearth Hidden Histories

$5 Million Mellon Grant Fuels Next Phase of CLIR’s Effort to Unearth Hidden Histories

Fourth Cycle of Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices Expands Access to Marginalized Stories

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has received a $5 million grant from the Mellon Foundation to launch the fourth cycle of its Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices (DHC:AUV) program. This initiative, which dedicates $4 million to regranting funds, is committed to uncovering and preserving stories that have long been silenced, erased, or inaccessible.

Designed to elevate the voices and histories of often overlooked communities, DHC:AUV has already funded projects illuminating the experiences of Chinese laborers during the Chinese Exclusion Act, the history of hip-hop and street dance, the realities of incarceration during COVID-19, Black community histories in cities across the U.S. Other past grants have supported the digitization of materials documenting trans-BIPOC experiences, the creative works of developmentally disabled artists, and numerous overlooked narratives.

The next call for proposals will open in August, inviting eligible nonprofit organizations across the United States and Canada to apply. Projects must align with the program’s core values: public knowledge, broad representation, authentic partnerships, sustainable infrastructures, and community-centered access. By providing funding to academic, independent, and community-based organizations, CLIR seeks to break barriers to archival access and democratize historical knowledge.

“Documentary heritage is a cornerstone of all democratic societies and is an essential resource for supporting economic, social, legal, and cultural domains and fostering innovation,” said CLIR board chair Dr. Guy Berthiaume. “Thanks to the support of the Mellon Foundation and CLIR, partner institutions will be able to offer immediate and unlimited access to documentary resources fundamental to our understanding of the world around us.”

CLIR President Charles Henry added, “This generous Mellon Foundation award allows CLIR to continue to enrich our collective history, to augment with rigor and compassion the narratives that shape our identity, empower our agency, and instill harmony to once silent voices.”

A rigorous, months-long review process–led by an independent panel of scholars and practitioners from the United States and Canada–will evaluate proposals. Applicants receive support throughout the process and constructive feedback on their proposals, regardless of funding status. For full details, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines, visit Apply for An Award or sign up for CLIR’s Grants and Programs mailing list for updates.


Job Posting: Visiting Assistant Professor(Classics), Colgate University

Position Title: Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics
Institution Name: Colgate University
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Classics
Application Deadline:

The Department of the Classics at Colgate University invites applications for a one- year visiting assistant professor position in Classics, beginning in fall semester 2025. The department seeks applicants experienced in the teaching of Latin and Greek at all levels and in teaching literature in translation; experience with courses on ancient civilization and/or material culture is also desirable. Completion of. Ph.D. is expected prior to or shortly after the date of hire. The teaching load is five courses per year, and the successful candidate will be expected to participate in all-
university programs, including the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum.

A cover letter, three letters of recommendation, a curriculum vitae, and a brief writing sample must be submitted through Interfolio at Colgate University strives to be a community supportive of diverse perspectives and identities. In their application materials, candidates must describe their ability to work effectively with students across a wide range of identities and backgrounds. Review of applications will begin on March 24, 2025, and will continue until the position is filled.

Colgate is a vibrant liberal arts university of 3,274 students situated in central New York state. Colgate faculty are committed to excellence in both teaching and scholarship. Further information about the Classics department can be found at….
Applicants with dual-career considerations can find postings of other employment opportunities at Colgate and at other institutions of higher education in upstate New York at

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