Dear colleagues, partners, students and friends,
I am pleased to announce that the Balkan Heritage Field School (BHFS) has just opened the application session for the first available projects in the next field school season in 2017!
You can find more detailed information about the available field schools and offers in our brochure and poster for Season 2017.
The available projects/courses take place at different excavation sites and historic places in Bulgaria and Republic of Macedonia related to all major cultures and civilizations that once existed in the Balkans; starting with the first Neolithic farmers in Europe and Europe’s first civilization in the Copper Age, the collapsing Late Bronze Age civilizations of the Aegean, followed by the Ancient Greek, Thracian, Roman, Byzantine, Bulgarian, and Ottoman civilizations. Along with the excavation projects, there are conservation workshops/courses currently available on ancient Greek pottery, Roman and Late Antique pottery and glassware, mosaics and wall-paintings based on work with authentic artifacts.
New projects in maritime archaeology, vernacular Balkan architecture, conservation of artifacts in Greece, as well as a new Roman dig in Montenegro will be available in the upcoming weeks. Be sure to check out our website at: for news, exciting surprises and great deals for the new season!
Academic credits are available upon request to students participating in the BHFS through our academic partners in EU, USA and Canada.
Admission Office
7 Tulovo, 5th Floor, Apt.7,
1504 Sofia, Bulgaria
+359 877 725 052