From the American Research Center in Egypt:

To expedite the increased participation of students from typically Underrepresented Groups at the ARCE Annual Meeting, ARCE will offer the ARCE Annual Meeting Grant for Underrepresented Students (ARCE Grant) beginning in 2022. Applications are open now. Submissions due February 15, 2022.

The ARCE Grant will be awarded to a maximum of five (5) eligible applicants who are undergraduate or graduate students and whose studies are related to (or who have an interest in studying) Nile Valley cultures through the disciplines of Egyptology, Nubiology, Africology, Art History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Classical, Coptic, Islamic, Middle East, and African Studies, or other related fields.  Awardees will be paired with Ph.D. students or early career scholars who will act as mentors during the Annual Meeting.
Up to five grants will be awarded annually to cover all fees related to the Annual Meeting registration, lodging costs and breakfast at the host hotel for each night of the Annual Meeting, and transportation costs (maximum $500) incurred in attending the Annual Meeting.

Learn more here.