Excavations of the Baths at Roman Carsulae
June 16 – July 27, 2013
We are now accepting applications from students and volunteers to participate in our ninth season of excavations of the baths at Roman Carsulae.
Project and Location
Carsulae was a Roman city that developed in the late third century BCE along the Via Flaminia, approximately 100 kilometers north of Rome in modern Umbria. The major public buildings of Carsulae were excavated from 1950 to 1970, but most of the ancient city still lies undisturbed in what is now a beautiful archaeological park. The current excavation of the public baths at Carsulae began in 2004. We plan to dedicate the 2013 season to excavating the remainder of the areas beneath the protective roof, and also to developing a longterm plan for the conservation and partial restoration of the bath complex.
The field program welcomes both students and volunteers. No experience is necessary, only an enthusiasm for archaeology and the ability to work hard in rigorous conditions. Participants are instructed in excavation strategies, techniques and recording, handling and conservation of artifacts, drafting of site plans and analytical rendering.
Cost and Credit
The cost is $850.00 per week. This includes a shared room as well as breakfast daily, lunch and dinner five days a week. All equipment is provided. We ask all students and volunteers to participate for a minimum of three weeks. Students interested in receiving credit for the program should contact us for further information.
Accommodations and Meals
We stay at the Albergo Duomo (three or four people to a room) in the charming hill town of San Gemini, just three kilometers from Carsulae. All rooms have private baths and air conditioning, and the hotel is equipped with free wireless internet. Meals are eaten in the elegant dining room of the hotel.
Participants work in the field Monday through Friday from 5 am to noon. After lunch and a well-earned siesta, afternoons are spent in the lab processing each day’s finds and sometimes attending classes, expert lectures, or working with our conservators. Weekends are open for travel or relaxation. Group trips to nearby sites of interest are often available.
For further details and to apply:
Inquiries may be sent to ebarc2013@gmail.com.