Onassis Public Benefit Foundation, Alexander S
Up to ten scholarships will be awarded for a duration of five to ten months during the academic year October 2014 – September 2015. The scholarships will include:
1. A round trip air-ticket (economy class)
2. A monthly allowance of Eight Hundred Fifty Euros (€ 850.-).
The scholarship does not cover the month of August.
Graduate Student
Activity location
The grants and scholarships offered within the framework of this Programme cover scholarly research or artistic creation in Greece only and only in the fields below:
– Humanities: Philology, Literature, Linguistics, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Educational Studies, Psychology
– Social Science (excluding Law): Political Sciences, Sociology, Political analysis, International and European Studies, Administration Sciences, Social Theory and Social Policy
– Economic Science: Maritime Studies, Finance, Public Finance
– Arts: Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Theatre, Photography, Film Studies, New Media.

The scholarships are addressed to postgraduate students and Ph.D. candidates. All candidates should be under 40-years-old. At the time of application the applicants should be enrolled for a postgraduate course (Master’s, M.Phil., Ph.D) at a University either outside Greece or in Greece.
Basic knowledge of the Greek language is a necessary prerequisite for applying, unless the applicant can prove that the research can be conducted in another language. The certificate can be submitted at a later date, but no later than March 31, 2014.
The programme is addressed to non-Greeks. Eligible to participate are the following candidates:
a) Persons of non Greek descent.
b) Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for category A grants only, provided they are permanently residing and working outside Greece.
c) Persons of Greek descent (second generation and on) are also eligible to apply for a grant or scholarship, provided they are permanently residing and working abroad or currently studying in foreign Universities.
d) Category A also apply to Scholars of Greek descent or citizenship provided they have a professional academic career of at least ten (10) years in a University or Research Institute abroad.
e) The above mentioned clarification (d) also applies to post-graduate students of Greek descent or citizenship, who pursue post-graduate studies outside of Greece (category C), have obtained a degree outside of Greece and are permanently residing outside of Greece for more than fifteen (15) years.
Former Fellows of the Foundation can re-apply for a grant or scholarship only if five years have elapsed since their previous grant or scholarship. Former Fellows who have received a grant or scholarship twice cannot apply again for a grant or scholarship.