Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Author: gsychter (Page 6 of 11)

Job Posting: Mellon Postdoctoral Research Associate(History of Art), Brown University–Deadline 2/5/25

Position Title: Mellon Postdoctoral Research Associate in History of Art and Architecture and Archaeology of the Ancient Americas
Institution Name: Brown University
Position Rank: Other
Area of Specialty: History of Art
Application Deadline: 2025-02-05

Brown University invites applications for a 2-year International Humanities Postdoctoral Research Associate in 2025-2027, with a specialization in the History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology of the Ancient Americas.

This position, effective July 1, 2025, is to be held jointly at the Cogut Institute for the Humanities and the Department of the History of Art & Architecture and is affiliated with the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World. Our goal is to appoint an exceptional scholar working in any aspect of visual and material cultures and the built environments of the precolonial Americas.

The successful candidate will teach two courses per year in the Department of the History of Art & Architecture, cross-listed with Archaeology and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities. The research associate is expected to participate in the Cogut Institute’s weekly Tuesday seminars as well as other activities. The department is especially interested in qualified candidates who can contribute, through their research, teaching, and/or service, to the diversity and excellence of the academic community.


Applicants should have a PhD in hand by July 1, 2025, or the degree must have been awarded within the last five years. Recipients of a Ph.D. from Brown University are ineligible. The successful candidate will be employed as postdoctoral research associates with standard benefits and a $2,000 per year reimbursable research fund. Scholars from outside the United States are appointed under J-1 visas (exchange visitors status) only.

Bioarchaeology Field School in Ohio

The Field Experience in Bioarchaology – offered in collaboration with the Department of Anthropology at The Ohio State University – is an outstanding opportunity for students to gain practical experience in bioarchaeological excavation by working on a historic cholera cemetery in central Ohio.

This program was developed to offer high-quality bioarchaeological excavation training in the US and at affordable rates. The field experience welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, as well as CRM and forensic science professionals interested in developing skills in the excavation of human remains. More information can be found at

The program is managed by the Institute for Research and Learning in Archaeology and Bioarchaeology (IRLAB), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization established to promote the advancement and diffusion of archaeological and bioarchaeological knowledge through research and education.

Brown transfers land in Bristol to preservation trust established by Pokanoket tribe

Brown University has transferred ownership of a portion of its land in Bristol, Rhode Island, to a preservation trust established by the Pokanoket Indian Tribe, ensuring that access to the land and waters extends to tribes and Native peoples of the region for whom the land has significance.

Since its donation to Brown in 1955, the University’s approximately 375-acre Mount Hope property has been home to its Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology collections and an outing center used for educational programs and field research. As the ancestral home of Metacom, known also as King Philip — the leader of the Pokanoket people — and the site of his 1676 death during King Philip’s War, the land holds great historical and cultural significance to members of many Native and Indigenous communities.

The transfer, which was finalized on Friday, Nov. 15, fulfills in part a pledge made in a 2017 agreement between the University and the Pokanoket tribe. Brown committed then to the orderly transfer of a to-be-determined amount of land into a preservation trust to ensure appropriate stewardship of the unique historical, sacred and natural resource for generations to come.

Read more

Assistant Professor Tenure-Track Faculty Position Announcement for California State University, Northridge

The department of Interdisciplinary Studies and Liberal Studies (ISLS) at California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is seeking a tenure-track faculty member in Interdisciplinary Studies at the rank of Assistant Professor.
The successful candidate will teach courses in our BA in Interdisciplinary Studies as well as in our teacher education BA in Liberal Studies. The candidate’s research and teaching interests will lie in one or more richly interdisciplinary areas such as, but not limited to, Science and Technology Studies; Ethics and AI; Digital Humanities; Library and Information Sciences; Geographic Information Science; Behavioral Economics; Cognitive Science; Bioinformatics; Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies; Ethnic Studies; Native/Indigenous Studies; Cultural Ecology; Environmental Humanities; and Media and Communication Studies.
As a large, diverse, urban university and Hispanic-Serving Institution, CSUN is seeking a qualified candidate who shares our campus commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Italy Conservation Summer Field School

We are delighted to announce that we are accepting applications for our summer 2025 field school in Italy. Our deadline for applications is March 15, 2025.
Now in its 26th year, with alumni from over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, SGPS is dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage. We offer students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy where they acquire hands-on experience in restoration and conservation.
Session One (June 2 – 27)
Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings and Sketching and Analyzing Historic Buildings
(Program includes lectures and restoration field projects*)
Analysis and Restoration of Archaeological Ceramics in Italy
(Program includes lectures and restoration workshop*)
Introduction to the History and Craft of Bookbindings
Introduction to the Preservation and Preventive Conservation of Books
(Program includes lectures and practical workshop*)
Session Two (July 14 – August 9)
Introduction to the Restoration and Conservation of Paper in Artwork and Archival Documents
(Program includes lectures and restoration workshop*)
Traditional Materials, Methods of Painting and Art Restoration Issues
(Program includes lectures and painting workshop)
Restoration Theory, Ethics and Issues
(Program includes lectures and discussion)
*Field Projects:
  • Restoration of Porta Tuderte (also known as the San Giovanni City Gate) (13th century)
  • Analysis of medieval buildings in San Gemini as part of an urban study of the city
  • Restoration and conservation of artifacts from the Parco del Colosseo and Museo delle Storie di Bergamo
  • Restoration of the Historic Archives of the Commune di San Gemini
  • Archaeological research of the Roman Baths in the Ancient City of Carsulae
Short Intersession Program (June 30 – July 9)dates to be confirmed
A ten-day trip visiting Florence, Siena and Rome: places of cultural interest, with emphasis on the urban and historical development of each town, including specialized visits to places of interest to restorers.
SGPS is a program of the International Institute for Restoration and Preservation Studies, based in New York. An academic relationship has been established with West Virginia University that offers our students the opportunity to apply for and receive credits through the WVU Art History Department. We have established cooperation agreements with the Museo della Storie di Bergamo and the Parco del Colosseo to study and conserve artworks and archaeological objects held in their museums, as well as a collaboration with the Historic Archives of the Commune di San Gemini for SGPS participants to study and conserve archival documents.
Our courses are open to students from various disciplines, both undergraduate and graduate. All lessons are taught in English.

ASPR Science Communication Fellowship

The American School of Prehistoric Research at Harvard University will be organizing a science communication fellowship this spring led by Dr. Bridget Alex.

The program, which will run for about two months in April and May, is intended for students and early career scholars researching Old World prehistory who would like to gain hands-on experience in public writing and multimedia communication. The selected applicants, whom we hope will be regionally diverse, will attend one in-person workshop at Harvard University and several virtual trainings led by professional science writers and journalists. At the end of the fellowship, the participants will have the opportunity to publish a story in SAPIENS magazine about their research.

This will be a great opportunity for scholars of old world prehistory to hone their science communication skills and learn how to make their research accessible to a non-academic audience.

Getty Job Opportunity

The Getty has just posted a job ad for a limited-term Curatorial Assistant in Antiquities. It is a two-year, full-time position to assist with the development of a major exhibition on ancient Anatolia and its relationship with Greece and Rome that will open in 2026.

There is no designated application deadline or start date: the Getty will consider applications on a rolling basis and aims to fill the position relatively quickly. Interested parties are encouraged to submit their applications soon. Specific research experience with Anatolia is not a requirement, but applicants should have a background working with ancient art and preferably have an MA or PhD in a field related to ancient Mediterranean history.


Job Posting: Assistant Professor(Classics), Grinnell College–Deadline 2/1/25

Position Title: Assistant Professor of Classics, 1-Year Term (Start Fall 2025)
Institution Name: Grinnell College
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Ancient Greek History
Application Deadline: 2025-02-01

The Department of Classics invites applications for a one-year term contract with the possibility of renewal appointment in ancient Greek history and/or archaeology beginning Fall 2025. Assistant Professor (Ph.D.) preferred; Instructor (ABD) possible. Broad training in Classics and ability to teach courses both in Greek and in translation are highly desirable. The Department provides instruction in Greek and Latin language and literature along with history, art and archaeology, and a range of other courses in classical civilization. The teaching load is five courses over two semesters.

Grinnell College is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts college with a strong tradition of social responsibility. In letters of application, candidates should discuss their potential to contribute to a college community that maintains a diversity of people and perspectives as one of its core values. To be assured of full consideration, all application materials should be received by February 1, 2025. Please visit our application website at to find more details about the job and submit applications online. Candidates will need to upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts (copies are acceptable), a representative sample of scholarly writing, and provide email addresses for three references. Questions about this search should be directed to the search chair, Professor Angelo Mercado, at [] or 641-269-4730.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at…

Job Posting: Mellon Assistant Professor(Classical and Mediterranean Studies), Vanderbilt University–Rolling Deadline

Position Title: Mellon Assistant Professor of Classical and Mediterranean Studies
Institution Name: Vanderbilt University
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Ancient Greece and Rome
Application Deadline: Rolling until the position is filled

The Department of Classical and Mediterranean Studies at Vanderbilt University invites applications for a Mellon Assistant Professorship (non-tenure-track) to begin August 16, 2025, for a three-year term. The particular themes or fields of specialization within Classical and Mediterranean Studies are open, but research and teaching must demonstrate fundamental engagement with the interpretation of texts from the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, broadly defined. The ideal candidate will enrich the intellectual life of the department both by bringing a significant, active research agenda and by developing and teaching courses that will strengthen and extend the department’s curriculum. Candidates who approach the material with new methodological or theoretical perspectives are especially encouraged to apply.

To be eligible, candidates must have completed the Ph.D. in a relevant field no longer than four years prior to the appointment date in this case, August 16, 2025 and no later than August 1, 2025. In addition, candidates must possess teaching experience at the college or university level, preferably as an instructor of record. Publication of the candidate’s work or its presentation at a professional venue is also desirable.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at…

CLIR Announces Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices Awards

CLIR Announces Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices Awards

$4 Million Awarded to 18 Projects in the US and Canada

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) proudly announces the award of $3.97 million to fund 18 transformative digitization projects through the Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices program. These initiatives, involving 28 organizations across 11 U.S. states and three Canadian provinces, will illuminate the stories and contributions of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color, Disabled communities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and immigrant groups.

Many projects explore intersections across these identities, contributing to fields such as art, public media, oral histories, and education. By digitizing these materials, the program ensures that new generations can engage with and learn from the stories, contributions, and cultural heritage of underrepresented groups.

Selected by an independent review panel, the awarded projects aim to amplify historically overlooked voices, providing opportunities for public engagement and understanding. A complete list of projects and summaries is available at

This work is central to CLIR’s mission of fostering access to knowledge and promoting equitable access to cultural heritage. This marks the second round of funding under the newly reimagined Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives program, generously funded by the Mellon Foundation. The program focuses on thematic digitization efforts, prioritizing materials that deepen public understanding of historically marginalized communities and unrecognized perspectives.

“Public discourse requires an honest and rigorous understanding of our past; it is imperative that we expand access to these vital materials to foster scholarship and enrich our collective knowledge,” said CLIR president Charles Henry. “The Mellon Foundation’s support allows us to amplify these unheard voices, ensuring that they inform a more equitable and inclusive historical narrative in service to the public good.”

For ongoing updates and the latest information about CLIR grants, sign up for CLIR’s Grants + Programs Newsletter.

About CLIR

The Council on Library and Information Resources is an independent, nonprofit organization that collaborates with libraries, cultural institutions, and communities of higher learning to develop strategies to enhance research, teaching, and learning environments.

About The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is the nation’s largest supporter of the arts and humanities. Since 1969, the Foundation has been guided by its core belief that the humanities and arts are essential to human understanding. The Foundation believes that the arts and humanities are where we express our complex humanity, and that everyone deserves the beauty, transcendence, and freedom that can be found there. Through our grants, we seek to build just communities enriched by meaning and empowered by critical thinking, where ideas and imagination can thrive. Learn more at


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