Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Author: gsychter (Page 7 of 11)

2024 Mary Beaudry Book Award Winner Announced!

The University of Alabama Press is thrilled to announce that Plant Foods of Greece: A Culinary Journey to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages by Soultana Maria Valamoti has been named the winner of the 2024 Inaugural Mary Beaudry Book Award for the Archaeology of Food.

The Mary Beaudry Book Award for the Archaeology of Food will be awarded every three years for the best book in the Archaeology of Food series. We extend our warmest congratulations to Dr. Valamoti on this well-deserved recognition.

Please find a detailed press release attached for more information.

2024 Inaugural Mary Beaudry Book Prize for the Archaeology of Food Press Release from Alabama

Society of Black Archaeologists–November Updates

Happy November from the Society of Black Archaeologists! 

We’re thrilled to share exciting updates and highlight new opportunities for the SBA community. Thank you for being with us—we hope you enjoy what’s in store this month!


  • The Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD) has extended their 2025 Conference call for papers – all proposals should be submitted by December 6, 2024. Acceptances will be issued on a rolling basis. They encourage multidisciplinary panels defined by diversity across identity markers, including but not limited to age, race, gender, sexuality, ability, academic rank, language, and geographies among others. More info here: [LINK]
  • The International Gullah Geechee and African Diaspora Conference will be held at Coastal Carolina University (Conway, SC) on February 20-22, 2025. The conference theme is Reconstruction Through the Lens of Gullah Geechee and Communities within the African Diaspora. Paper/projects abstracts are accepted on a rolling basis until November 15, 2024.


  • The Relevance of LGBTQ+ Historical Archaeology | Wednesday, December 4, 2024 – 7PM ET –  Finding LGBTQ+ people in the historic past is both important and challenging. By bringing suppressed histories to light, a more complete picture of the past is possible. The Brush Up series of workshops, organized by Archaeology in the Community (AITC) and sponsored by the Society of Black Archaeologists, are designed to provide participants with skills in developing public programs, working with communities, documenting local heritage, and communicating about archaeology. In this one-hour virtual workshop we will explore those histories through community studies; social organization; identity formation, expression, and change; marginalization; and oppression and resistance.

Submit your recent achievements, announcements or upcoming opportunities via the SBA Announcements & Opportunities Form!


Check out some of the latest submissions to the SBA Jobs Board – there are some exciting new opportunities for the SBA community!!

  • Research Fellowship | American School of Prehistoric Research – The American School of Prehistoric Research (ASPR), which supports research and education in Old World prehistory, has announced postdoctoral research fellowships at Harvard University for recent PhDs who are pursuing independent research on Old World prehistory.
  • Forensic Anthropologist | SNA International – SNA International is  looking for a Forensic Anthropologist Postdoctoral Research Associate to assist the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) in the identification of remains, including those from large commingled assemblages, of U.S. service members lost during past conflicts and will provide professional, scientific leadership to a team engaged in forensic and biological anthropological studies and investigations.
  • Federal Archaeologist | Bonneville Power Administration – The archaeologists hired would assist on Transmission projects, conducting Section 106 compliance and working with teams of engineers, project managers, environmental compliance specialists, and others at the agency.  Tribal consultation and interaction with tribal cultural resources specialists is a large part of this work.
  • Behavioral Scientist | National Science Foundation – The National Science Foundation is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Program Director for the Archaeology Program in the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS) within the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE).
  • Post-doctoral fellow | Lund University – Lund University is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Biology. The project aims to quantify the loss of genomic diversity through five millennia of elephant ivory trade. It includes a genomic analysis of elephant ivory confiscated in illegal imports to Europe and historical ivory from museums and archaeological collections as a source of key insights into elephant history, the present-day poaching crisis, as well as for improved elephant conservation in the future.


SBA Fieldsite Spotlight | Africatown, Alabama 

UCLA doctoral student @maddyaubey gives us some historical and cultural context surrounding Africatown – one of the nodes in her transatlantic research project which connects the material legacies of Benin and Alabama

Donate to SBA

The Society of Black Archaeologists is a donation-powered organization  The challenges we face are not surmountable by any one person. But together, we can do the impossible. Consider supporting our work with a one-time or monthly donation!

Monthly Updates from ARCE

A Special Visit: The United States House Appropriations Committee Visit Luxor, Praising ARCE Projects

At the end of October, Dr. Louise Bertini, ARCE’s Executive Director, led a tour for members of the United States House Appropriations Committee. Chairman Tom Cole alongside Congressmen Mark Alford, John Rutherford, Ed Case, and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, and their respective delegation, all explored the magnificent Karnak and Khonsu Temples in Luxor, gaining insights into ARCE’s impactful work supported by USAID.

More about ARCE’s Projects

AEF: Excavating and conserving the temple of Ramesess II in Abydos

We’re proud to announce another Antiquities Endowment Fund (AEF) project “Excavating and conserving the temple of Ramesess II in Abydos” by Dr. Sameh Iskander, leading the New York University expedition!

The excavation of the temple precinct revealed a multitude of new perspectives, uncovering all of its enclosure walls, temple palace, storage magazines, and even restoring the mud-brick first pylon. Various artifacts dating from the Ramesside period to early Islamic times were found, such as a head of a black granite goddess from Tuthmosis III’s reign, a seated steatite statue from the twenty-sixth dynasty, stelae, Coptic and Demotic ostraca, and fragments of temple walls originally discarded by Mariette during his excavations in the 1860s.

If you’re interested in applying for an AEF grant, our applications are open until February 2025.

Read the full article here

Become a Guardian of Egyptian History

Support ARCE in preserving Egyptian cultural heritage and history for the future through donations that fund efforts in cultural heritage protection and restoration, as well as education, research, and training.

Your contribution is not just a donation; it’s your way to make an impact, your way to join us in protecting and saving Egyptian cultural history and being part of the legacy of preserving our most important history.


Interested in Conducting Research in Egypt? Apply to our Fellowship Opportunities

Let the countdown begin! ARCE has opened its US fellowship applications!

ARCE-funded fellowships support intellectuals interested in conducting academic research in Egypt on various topics. We invite heritage enthusiasts to carry out research in diverse fields such as anthropology, archaeology, architecture, fire art, art history, Coptic studies, economics, Egyptology, history, humanistic social sciences, Islamic studies, literature, political science, religious studies and even music.

Deadline to apply: January 5, 2025.

Apply Today

Presenting Kiosk: An Archaeological Field Recording and Management Platform


Do you have a field project? Are you looking for a more efficient way to gather your data and analyze it for publication?

Kiosk is a free and open-source integrated iPad recording platform and browser-based data manager for field archaeology, developed and maintained at Brown University, an ARCE Research Supporting Member. It is currently used in the recording of excavation data in projects from Egypt to Sardinia and Cyprus, in surveys in Sudan and Peru, and to facilitate tomb documentation in Egypt. It allows for the recording and integration of data while in the field, from field journals and photographs, to unit and context information and the automatic rendering of Harris Matrices, to object registration. Kiosk also enables the analysis of data for publication by allowing users to easily query, as well as easily search through, their data online post-season.

Kiosk is available to anyone who wishes to use it, including tech support for customization and while in the field. It is suitable for everything from a one-summer survey project run by a graduate student, to a field school, to an ongoing legacy excavation with decades of old data to digitize.

Find out more about Kiosk and its capabilities here, and get in touch with

Our Research Supporting Members

November Chapter Events 


With more than a dozen individual chapters across the United States and Canada, ARCE’s mission of fostering a broader knowledge and appreciation of Egypt’s cultural heritage among the general public is constantly advanced by active local communities.

Collectively, ARCE Chapters host over 100 lectures per year by experts in topics spanning the full timeline of Egyptian history. These lectures, as well as affiliation with a chapter, are complimentary to all ARCE members. Here are some of their upcoming lectures:

Explore Chapters

Futures of the Past: New Perspectives on the Art of the Pre-Modern World

The Brown University Department of the History of Art & Architecture is pleased to invite you to our upcoming symposium, “Futures of the Past: New Perspectives on the Art of the Pre-Modern World” on December 6th, 2024.
This day-long event will reflect on the state of the field in the study of pre-modern art and architectural history (before 1500) across all geographic regions. Selected because of their substantial contributions to the field over the years, including fulfilling leadership roles at prestigious art and architectural history programs and professional organizations, our distinguished speakers will highlight and synthesize the states of their respective fields as well as debate future directions in pre-modern art and architectural historical scholarship.
We ask attendees to please fill out separate registration forms for the morning and afternoon sessions. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend both sessions.

Register for the morning session here.

Morning Session Schedule

10:00-10:30  Coffee and Welcome
10:30-10:40   Introductory remarks (Itohan Osayimwese)
10:40-11:20   Zainab Bahrani (Columbia University)
11:20:12:00   Mary Miller (Yale/Getty Research Institute)
2:00:12:30   Discussion (moderator: Gretel Rodríguez)
12:30-2:00  Lunch

Register for the afternoon session here.

Afternoon Session Schedule
12:30-2:00  Lunch
2:00:2:40   Milette Gaifman (Yale University)
2:40:3:20   John Clarke (UT Austin)
3:20:4:00   Claire Bosc-Tiessé (The Clark/CNRS)
4:00-4:30   Discussion (moderator: Sheila Bonde)
5:00-6:00   Reception

If you have any questions, please reach out to

FOTP Poster

ARAM Forthcoming Conferences–July 2025

Alcohol in the Ancient Near East 3000 BC – 700 AD, 30th June – 2nd July 2025 (University of Oxford)

ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing a series of conferences on Transmission and Innovation: Scientific, technological and religious thought in the Ancient Near East (3000 BC – 700 AD), and its Fifty-Seventh International Conference, Part I, will study the theme of Alcohol in the Ancient Near East 3000 BC – 700 AD, on 30th June – 2nd July 2025, at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Oxford, UK. The theme will include many disciplines, such as the alcohol industry, medicine, physics, chemistry, history, archaeology, art, religion, and mythology.
The conference will start on Monday 30th June at 9am, finishing on Wednesday 2nd July at 1pm. Each speaker’s paper is limited to 45 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for discussion. All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review. If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact the ARAM Society, the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, UK.  Tel.  01865-514041 Email:

Religious Offerings and Sacrifices in the Ancient Near East 3000 BC – 700 AD, 2nd – 4th July 2025 (University of Oxford)

ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Fifty-Seventh International Conference, Part II, on Religious Offerings and Sacrifices in the Ancient Near East 3000 BC – 700 AD, 2nd -4th July 2025, at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Oxford, UK.
The conference will start on Wednesday 2nd July at 4pm, finishing on Friday 4th July at 6pm. Each speaker’s paper is limited to 45 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for discussion. All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review. If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact the ARAM Society, the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England.  Tel.  01865-514041 Email:

The Aramaeans BC: History and Archaeology, 14th – 15th July 2025, (University of Oxford)

ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies is organizing its Fifty-Eighth International Conference (Part I) on the Aramaeans BC: History and Archaeology, to be held at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Easter Studies, the University of Oxford, on 14th – 15th July 2025.
The conference will start on Monday, July 14th at 9am, finishing on Tuesday 15th July at 6pm.
Each speaker’s paper is limited to 45 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for discussion. All papers given at the conference will be considered for publication in a future edition of the ARAM Periodical, subject to editorial review. If you wish to participate in the conference, please contact the ARAM Society, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Oxford, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, UK.  Tel.  01865-514041 Email:

Registration: Alcohol in the Ancient Near East

Registration: The Aramaeans 

Registration: Relgious Offerings & Sacrifices

Refugee Stories–The Choices Program

There are more displaced people around the world today than at any time in recorded history. Why are such large numbers of people leaving their homes? What are their experiences? What have been the responses to their situations?

The Choices Program has just released an update to our popular Teaching with the News lesson “Refugee Stories: Mapping a Crisis.” The free lesson explores personal stories and experiences of refugees. Students examine maps, data, and broader trends in the global refugee crisis. They consider the human geography of the refugee crisis and the challenges facing both refugees and the international community. Students also weigh responses to the crisis.

The updated lesson includes revised maps and new data, refugee stories, videos, and news articles. “[This] lesson gives students a real life story behind a refugee situation and includes the map annotation needed for geography,” says Kelly, a history and geography teacher in Georgia. Check out this free lesson for use in your geography and current issues classes!



If you’re the same age as Choices (35!) or younger OR you’ve been teaching for 5 or fewer years, remember to enter our October giveaway as part of our anniversary celebration! We’ll randomly select 35 individuals to receive a free curriculum unit. We’d love to celebrate with you! Giveaway ends October 31.



The American Historical Association recently released American Lesson Plan: Teaching US History in Secondary Schoolsa report on a “two-year exploration of secondary US history education” (p. 8). The report provides a detailed look at what students in U.S. history classrooms are learning, based on surveys, interviews, and reviews of instructional materials from across the country.

Choices appears several times in the American Lesson Plan, which describes the Choices Program’s “distinguished role-playing” activities and notes that “the ‘options’ moment—when a student is tasked with making a decision as a historical actor—is preceded by substantial historical and historiographical context” (p. 106). The variety of positions that Choices provides for role-plays and perspectives activities exposes students to wide-ranging viewpoints and opinions as they develop their own positions on a topic.

The report observes that Choices Program materials often cover events and information “less commonly cited in standards or broad timelines” (p. 142) and provide “in-depth histories of specific places” (p. 160), such as in the Choices Program’s Westward Expansion curriculum unit.



Choices offers discounted access to our Digital Editions platform to support schools that serve low-income student populations around the country. If your school receives Title I funding and at least 50 percent of your students receive free or reduced lunch, email us at for a discounted Site License quote. Site Licenses are for multiple teachers at a school, compared to Individual Teacher Licenses.

US Study/Travel opportunity

Building Bridges Across the Aegean: Cultural Heritage and Sustainability Seminar in Greece and Türkiye

  • Open to faculty and administrators from higher education institutions
  • Examines cultural heritage and sustainability practices, the impact of climate change on heritage sites, and strategies for integrating sustainability into cultural preservation and tourism
  • Participants will travel to Athens, Delphi, Thessaloniki, Istanbul, Ankara, and Ephesus to learn more about the challenges confronting these two countries
  • Additional programs to India and Peru serve K-12 educators

Program information
Application information

Competitive preference priorities apply.  Applicants from any of the following categories can receive extra points on their application:

  • K-12 teachers at Title I schools
  • Faculty members at minority-serving institutions
  • Faculty members at community colleges
  • New applicants

Program information

Job Posting: Assistant Professor of Humanities(Classics), Bilkent University–Deadline 12/8/24

Position Title: Assistant Professor of Humanities
Institution Name: Bilkent University, Program in Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Classics
Application Deadline: 2024-12-08

Bilkent University’s Faculty of Humanities and Letters announces multiple openings in the Program in Cultures, Civilizations & Ideas (CCI). All candidates should have an active research agenda. The CCI Program is staffed by an interdisciplinary team of scholars from diverse fields in the humanities, including but not limited to classics, history, literature, and philosophy. It is primarily responsible for teaching a mandatory two-semester sequence of courses in literature and philosophy to undergraduates.


  • Candidates should have a PhD in a field in the humanities completed before September 2025. Specialists in the fields of comparative literature, history of ideas, literary studies, classics, classical reception, and early modern philosophy are especially welcome to apply.
  • All applicants should have a publication record commensurate with their career stage and evidence of future research potential in their field.
  • Scholars committed to interdisciplinary and comparative work, whether in their research or their teaching, are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Experience in teaching text-based “Great Books” courses or similar is desirable.
  • Initial screening interviews will be held via Zoom beginning in December 2024.


  • Expected starting date is September, 2025.
  • Standard teaching load is 3-3 (one prep).
  • An active research agenda is a prerequisite for all candidates. Support includes substantial funding for conference travel and potential for sabbatical leave following the third year.
  • Our service load is modest, but each department member is expected to contribute.

Bilkent University, located in Ankara, is the oldest independent non-profit research university in Turkey. All classes are conducted in English. Salary is competitive and includes a fully furnished and rent-free apartment on campus. Applications are to be made online at: Applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae, a letter of application specific to this position, a detailed statement of research, a teaching statement, and contact information for at least three referees. For assistance, contact Dr. Mustafa Nakeeb, Coordinator, at Application deadline is 08 December, 2024 19:00 UTC+3.

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website at…


RU Art History Symposium

Alejandra López-Oliveros, a 3rd-year PhD student at Rutgers University-New Brunswick’s Department of Art History, is excited to share the call for papers for the 15th Annual Art History Graduate Student Organization Symposium, to be held on March 28, 2025. The symposium topic is “Artivism: Art History and Heritage in Global Conflict” and the keynote speaker will be Dr. Elisabeth Friedman, associate professor at Illinois State University.

If anyone has questions, they can send their queries to

Job Posting: Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence(Greek and Roman History), Purdue University–Deadline 11/17/24

The following advertisement has been added or updated on

Position Title: Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence
Institution Name: Purdue University
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Greek and Roman History
Application Deadline: 2024-11-17

Job Summary

Principal Duties: Departments of Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology; the School of Languages and Cultures; and the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University invite applications for multiple positions of tenure-track assistant professorship in Artificial Intelligence (AI) with an appointment in one or more of these units. A Ph.D. in one of the fields represented by the above-named units is required. The successful candidate will develop and teach undergraduate and graduate courses in AI and contribute to the intellectual life of their units. Depending on their background and interest, the successful candidate may be appointed in one of the above-named units or may be jointly appointed.


The Candidate must have a Ph.D. in one of the fields represented by the above-named units with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (including machine learning and computational data science) by the start of appointment. The Candidate must have a record of publishing high-quality peer-reviewed research. Salary will be commensurate with training and experience.

The College and University

For the fourth consecutive year, the College of Liberal Arts at Purdue University is embarking on multiple hires with a focus on AI to begin in Fall 2025. Representing a variety of disciplines in the College, this cohort of scholars will expand our capacity to explore the implications of developing AI across our academic domains and advance and contribute to research and educational initiatives surrounding AI in new and important ways. These positions will also include in-person teaching in our innovative, nationally-recognized Cornerstone Integrated Liberal Arts Program that educates students across the university.

Application Procedure

Applications must include the following items uploaded at in this order and as one PDF document: 1) cover letter of no more than three pages including a discussion of teaching philosophy and research agenda; 2) Curriculum vitae; and 3) the names and contact information of at least three references (no letters please). The search committee may contact references to request letters at a later stage. Questions about the position should be directed to the chair of the search committee: Christopher Yeomans at

Review of the applications will begin on November 17, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. A background check is required for employment in this position.

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