Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Category: CFP (Page 3 of 27)

SBA October Update

Regional SBA Writing Affiliation Groups – In celebration of the 15 year anniversary of the Society of Black Archaeologists in 2026, we are organizing writing groups to celebrate our collective power in knowledge production, while at the same time gathering across different regions to curate the next era of SBA scholarship. We hope to engage with members from across the writing spectrum reaching students, emerging scholars, advanced career writers, and those new to the writing process in the world of archaeology. This is about building regional hubs to write together and generate something new to mark this milestone in SBA history! Launching in Fall 2024.

Deadline to submit interest form October 15th:

NINO Annual Meeting | Call for Papers


The NINO Annual Meeting offers an opportunity for advanced students and researchers of the Near East (ancient to the early modern) in the Netherlands to meet and exchange ideas about ongoing and envisioned research projects. The event is co-organized by the Netherlands Institute of the Near East (NINO) and an alternating host institution. This year the meeting is hosted by the University of Groningen, on the topic: “Heritage and politics in the Middle East: Historical Perspectives.”

The study of the Near East has historically been entangled with politics, from those of early modern states and empires, to those of foreign institutes, universities, and museums. This annual meeting focuses on heritage politics of the Middle East from a historical perspective. How have the studies of historical sources, archaeological remains, and texts from the past, been involved with early modern state formation, (de)colonization, cultural diplomacy, economic policies, memory practices? How was this involvement received by people living in the Middle East, and heritage institutions abroad? And today, how is it represented in the curricula of degrees focusing on the Middle Eastern past? How does it influence fieldwork and archive practices?

The committee is currently accepting 20 min. papers on studies pertaining to this topic. In addition, they invite 5 min. research introductions on any ongoing and envisioned research on the Near East. Junior scholars (MA, PhD) are particularly welcome to apply.

Please register via email if you wish to attend, present during the lightning session, or present a longer paper on the topic of Heritage and Politics.

Please include the following information:

  • Surname
  • Name
  • Title
  • Affiliation
  • E-mail address
  • I would like to attend and give a 20’ paper
    • Title of paper
  • I would like to attend and present a 5’ presentation in the lightning session
    • Title of lightning session
  • Abstract (250 words)

Please register by email to by November 1, 2024.

Call for Papers: Kiel Conference 2025 Scales of Social, Environmental & Cultural Change in Past Societies

The Kiel Conference will be held March 24-28, 2025 in Kiel, DE. To learn more about the conference, visit The Institute’s Professor Robyn Price is co-organizing, with the SHAARP Network,, Session 27 of the conference. This session will focus on “Sensory Transformations: Tracing interactions within archaeological contexts.” Please expand the images for additional information about the conference and session.

Request for Applications: National Humanities Conference Engagement Facilitator


Rhode Island Humanities is looking for an Engagement Facilitator for a three-month contract to assist with the National Humanities Conference (NHC) That takes place in Providence, RI, November 13 – 17, 2024. The NHC Engagement Facilitator will coordinate opportunities for community engagement with NHC, execute logistics for tours, and recruit and coordinate volunteers.

To Apply:

Please send resume to by 5:00pm Friday, August 23, 2024 with the subject “NHC Engagement Facilitator Application.” Also provide a brief paragraph describing your interest and relevant experience in the body of the email.

Experience and Qualifications:

An ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills and event planning and/or project management experience. Additionally, the candidate needs to have strong interpersonal skills; ability to skillfully manage multiple projects/timelines; facility with technology used during in-person and virtual events (microphones, Zoom, etc.); and a holistic understanding of issues of equity in community engagement efforts. Experience in public humanities, cultural work, and/or community organizing is helpful. A passion for civic engagement and community-based work is appreciated.


Archaeological Review from Cambridge Issue 40.1 – Call for Papers

Call for Papers: ARC 40.1

The Archaeological Review from Cambridge is pleased to invite submissions for their next issue (40.1), exploring the role of food in ritual and religious contexts – specifically in the offering of food and commensality with gods and ancestors. This volume brings together global perspectives for a comparative view on the current status of research in the realm of food, gods and ancestors.

Please see the attached Call for Papers for more details. Potential contributors are encouraged to register interest by submitting an abstract of up to 250 words or by contacting the editors directly to discuss their ideas before August 31st 2024 ( 

They welcome contributions from researchers at any stage of their academic career and from all related disciplines. Papers for accepted abstracts of no more than 4000 words should be submitted by 15th November 2024 for publication in May 2025. 

The Archaeological Review from Cambridge (ARC) is a full peer-reviewed biannual academic journal of archaeology. It is managed and published on a non-profit, voluntary basis by postgraduate researchers in the Department of Archaeology at the University of Cambridge. Rooted primarily in archaeological theory and practice, ARC invites a wide range of perspectives aiming at interdisciplinary research of interest to those engaged in a variety of fields. All papers are published Open Access. Further information on the Archaeological Review from Cambridge, including submission guidelines, may be found at

Click here for the Call for Papers PDF  for more information.


If you wanna be a part of the TRAC Webinar series 2024-25, hurry up! Time is almost up!


There’s a call for Webinar Series Papers!

The TRAC Webinar Series will run for the fifth time on Tuesday evenings (5 pm UK time). It will start in October, 2024.

If you wish to submit a paper, please write a 300-word abstract as an attachment in an email to by the 15th of August, 2024.

Proposals engaging with theoretical topics within Roman archaeology are welcomed from researchers of any level. This includes students, early-career researchers, practitioners, and academics. All presentations will take place over a Zoom call and are going to be archived on YouTube.

Webinars offers a platform for discussing ongoing theoretically-informed work in Roman archaeology, an opportunity to test cutting edge ideas and to discuss them with international peers in the field, and to create bridges across generations of scholars.

Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices – call for initial applications open through October 30

CLIR Announces Call for Submissions

Digitizing Hidden Collections: Amplifying Unheard Voices

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is now accepting initial applications for Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Amplifying Unheard Voices. Made possible through the generous support of the Mellon Foundation, this competitive program supports the digitization of rare and unique materials held by collecting organizations in the US and Canada. The program invites proposals for digitizing materials that enrich the public’s understanding of the histories of underrepresented communities, particularly those of people of color and other historically marginalized populations.

Through launching a third call for applications with this theme, CLIR aims to build upon the program’s previous success by attracting an even broader range of proposals from academic, independent, and community-based organizations than before. CLIR will award up to $4,000,000 in grants for projects ranging from USD 50,000 to 300,000. Selected projects will begin on January 1, 2026, and continue for up to three years. The deadline for submission of proposals is October 30, 2024.

Visit Apply for an Award to learn more, including information about upcoming webinars and application guidelines.

CFP | UCLA Art History Graduate Symposium 2024—Due 8/16

Dear Colleagues,

We wanted to send out a reminder as the due date for submissions approaches.

As members of the graduate symposium planning cohort, we are pleased to share the Call for Papers for the 59th Annual UCLA Art History Graduate Symposium entitled In Crisis. This year’s symposium will take place in person on Friday, October 18, 2024; submissions are due Friday, August 16, 2024 and accepted presenters will be notified by September 1.

Please find the full call with submission guidelines attached here; feel free to circulate widely to graduate students in your department and colleagues who may be interested in participating.

Lastly, please be sure to mark your calendars now to join us for the symposium on October 18th! Should you have any questions, please email Thank you!

A kind reminder that the Early Bird Registration ends on July 15th, and after this date, the registration fees will be increased as announced before on the website .

Please note that every participant (including session organizer’s, presenters, listeners) needs to register to the Congress. Register via following link:

2024 World Neolithic Congress

The 2024 World Neolithic Congress is set to take place in November at Şanlıurfa (Türkiye), and is currently open for paper submissions to be presented at the conference. The congress aims to foster debate on the development of sedentism, agriculture, domestication, and broader topics on Neolithization through global perspectives. There are numerous exciting sessions aiming to bring together archaeologists working in diverse geographic regions. These sessions may be seen here.

Paper abstracts are due May 20, 2024. For information on guidelines as well as how to submit, please see the submission form here.

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