Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Category: CFP (Page 8 of 27)

CFP: Folia Archaeologica

The journal “Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica” invites you to submit texts for the next issue (37/2022).

The annual accepts papers on a variety of topics in the discipline of archaeology and historical archaeology, relating to research conducted primarily in Central Europe.

We look forward to submissions of texts based both on the sources of material culture and on written messages, created from the beginnings of culture to the present day. We are also interested in theoretical considerations on research methods and methodology.

Texts should be submitted by April 30, 2022,
using the Open Journal Systems at  or by e-mail at

Detailed information for Authors can be found on the website

You can contact the Editor’s Office via e-mail at

Please follow the journal’s profile on Twitter where you can find news, events, and featured articles.

cfp: Bryn Mawr College’s 13th Biennial Graduate Group Symposium, Kinesis: Movement and Mobility

We are excited to share a call for papers for Bryn Mawr College’s 13th Biennial Graduate Group Symposium, Kinesis: Movement and Mobility. In addition to an interdisciplinary graduate conference, exploring histories and practices of physical motion, we look forward to presenting an exhibition on the material cultures of movement. Please find the link to the symposium website here

This will be the 13th iteration of this Symposium where the students of Graduate Group in Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art plan a conference and an exhibition, complementing each other in their focus on a single theme. You can find a list of previous Symposia here.

Event will take place March 25-26, 2022.

DEADLINE: Monday, November 15, 2021.

cfp: oxford International Round Table Symposiums

Call for Papers

The International Round Table Symposiums are international educational organizations whose purpose is to promote education, art, science, religion, environmental studies and charity. This purpose is effectuated by the conduct of interdisciplinary symposia and the publication of meritorious manuscripts emanating therefrom.

The Round Table seeks to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the discussion of contemporary issues that affect the public good in all its various forms and ramifications. The public good is expansively interpreted to include all matters that enrich the human experience and enhance the human condition. The International Round Table Symposiums are unique forums, not a conference in the conventional sense, but rather an opportunity for scholars and leaders to discuss education, art, science, religion and environmental studies in a collegial, “think-tank” atmosphere. The structure of the program allows for the dialogue of participants to freely flow in response to issues presented at each meeting. While avoiding specific topical prescription, we endeavour to stimulate debate through eliciting meaningful dialogue by suggesting certain themes for discussion. Past themes have included considerations of childhood education, human rights, social justice, economics, history, religion, women, environment and climate change, ethics, morals, law, medicine and the liberal arts and sciences.

Each session is designed around a format that enables participants to present papers and to engage in discussions regarding those papers in both formal colloquy and informal dialogue. Papers presented may be submitted for publication in the Forum on Public Policy, an on-line and a hard copy journal. Manuscripts are evaluated by peer external reviewers and accepted or rejected based on quality and contribution to the particular field of knowledge. The Forum is indexed by Gale/Cengage Learning and EBSCO.

SPRING Sessions:

-Effects of Covid 19 on Childhood Education, March 13-16, 2022
-Educational Issues and Trends, March 13-16, 2022
-Racial Literacy, Literature, Language and the Arts, March 16-19, 2022
-Special and Gifted Education, March 16-19, 2022

SPRING Deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 January 2022
Early Registration: 15 January 2022
Regular Registration: After January 15, 2022

SUMMER Sessions:

-The World of Children: Red Carpet Book Launch, July 10-13, 2022
-Educational Trends and Issues, July 10-13, 2022
-Technology and the Future of Global Education, July 10-13, 2022
-Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Education, July 10-13, 2022
-Women in Leadership and Gender Equality, July 17-20, 2022
-Climate Change and the Environment, July 17-20, 2022
-Religion, History and Theology, July 17-20, 2022
-Mental Health and Education, July 17-20, 2022

SUMMER Deadlines:
Abstract submission: 15 April 2022
Early Registration: 15 April 2022
Regular Registration: After April 15, 2022

Visit our conference website for additional details including abstract submission, registration and publication information.

We hope you will be able to join us in Oxford!

CFP: Ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine fibulae

Call for Papers

We are glad to inform you that an international virtual conference on fibulae in the Archaic, Classical,  Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Mediterranean and Black Sea area will take place on May 12-13, 2022 on, with each day dedicated to several thematic sesssions using the Zoom webinar platform. A fibula is  a brooch or pin for fastening garments, typically at the right shoulder.  

The purpose of this video conference is to create an analytical framework for understanding the  fibulae in their social and material contexts. In recent decades, major excavation projects have produced vast  quantities of material data that have reshaped our understanding of the fibulae, while also raising new  questions about their use and production over the long term. In this online conference we only focus on  Greek, Roman and Byzantine fibulae from the Mediterranean and Black Sea area between c. early sixth century  B.C. and early seventh century A.D., and attempt to set out a comprehensive model for the study of fibulae,  including their definition, typology, chronology, contexts, function, regional characteristics and distribution  patterns in the whole Mediterranean and Black Sea geographies.  

We warmly welcome submissions from junior and senior scholars, including advanced graduate students and  postdoctoral scholars from a variety of disciplines related to these objects. We seek to bring together  researchers who can present new syntheses of archeological data and enter into dialogue with scholars  working on the same material subsets. The organizers will accept papers that offer methodological, theoretical  or analytical approaches to material datasets. Intended to bring together scholars of Greek, Roman and  Byzantine archaeology to discuss a range of issues concerning these instruments’ characteristics, this  electronic conference should be an excellent opportunity to increase our knowledge about this material. We  invite papers that engage the following themes and topics:  

Fibulae from archaeological field projects (especially well-dated finds), museums and private collections,  – Ancient Greek and Latin textual sources on fibulae,  

– Evolution of fibulae in the Mediterranean and Black Sea area during the Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic,  Roman and Byzantine periods,  

– Similar instrumenta in the ancient Near East and their relations to ancient Graeco-Roman fibulae,  – What ancient Greeks and Romans thought about afterlife? Fibulae in funerary and votive contexts,  – Domestic and commercial use of fibulae,  

– Early Christian fibulae,  

– Byzantine fibulae,  

– Post-Byzantine or modern replicas of Classical fibulae,  

– Eastern fibulae in the ancient western world,  

– Major production centres of fibulae in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea area,  – Related instrumenta to fibulae in the regards of their function,  

– Documentation and analysis of fibulae,  

– Publication of fibulae in the Mediterranean in possible corpara,  


On these themes and questions, all disciplines, approaches and methods susceptible to bring some progress  to our current knowledge are of course welcome: classical archaeology, Byzantine archaeology, archaeometry,  history of art, ancient history and cultural anthropology etc. Archaeometric papers related to fibula research  are most welcome. English is the official language of the e-conference. Your lecture will be recorded during  the conference and this record will be displayed in Youtube after. The e-conference is free of charge.  Conference sessions are structured around the respondent’s presentation and discussion of each paper (five  mins) followed by an author response and general discussion by session participants (30-40 minutes).  

We would be delighted, if you could consider contributing to our e-conference and contact us with the  required information below before February 1, 2022. Our e-mail addresses are: or  

We would be thankful, if you send us your abstract and required information only in word doc. For all your  queries concerning the e-conference our phone number is: +90.539.577 07 33. 

We would also be grateful if the lecturers can submit their presentations as a video until April 15, 2022 so that  we can make sure to have their lectures prior to the virtual conference on May 12-13.  After the conference participants will be required to submit their revised papers by October 1. Revised papers  will be published in a peer-reviewed proceedings volume.  

The organizers seek to widen participation at this e-conference, and would like to encourage colleagues from  all parts of the world to attend. The conference committee kindly requests that you alert any interested  researches, colleagues and students within your research community who would be interested in participating  at this e-conference, either by forwarding our e-mail through Academia, Researchgate, Facebook, Twitter,  Instagram or other similar social media, or by printing this circular or our poster and displaying it in your  institution. Please share it also on your ListServs. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look  forward to seeing you in May!

Find more information here.

CFP: present at ARCE’s 2022 Annual Meeting

Call for Papers

Apply to Present at ARCE’s 2022 Annual Meeting! ARCE is pleased to announce that the Call for Papers is now open for our 2022 Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting which will take place at the Irvine Marriott Hotel in Irvine, California from April 22-24, 2022, from 08:30 AM US PT to 17:00 PM US PT Friday and Saturday, and 08:30 AM US PT to 13:15 PM US PT on Sunday.

A hybrid virtual experience will also be provided for those presenters or participants who cannot attend in person. Proof of vaccination is required for all of the in-person sessions.

ARCE’s Annual Meeting brings together hundreds of scholars who present on Egyptian history and heritage, recent fieldwork, technological advances, and much more.

Submissions must be received through ARCE’s All Academic site by January 7, 2022. Please review our updated submission guidelines and complete your entry via this site.

Submissions can only be accepted from ARCE members in good standing. Please join or renew your membership online or contact us by email.

More information on the 2022 Annual Meeting will be posted on the ARCE website as it becomes available.

We look forward to receiving your abstract!


COVID Statement:
ARCE will of course be following local COVID-related guidelines in place at the time, and adding requirements for vaccination cards or negative COVID-tests, masking inside, distancing, etc. in order to do our best to help keep everyone safe. We promise to stay engaged and actively utilize the safest protocols available at the time of our Annual Meeting, and so will our vendors.

CFP EXTENDED: Context and Meaning XXI – Art and the Anthropocene

Call for papers

The Graduate Visual Culture Association (GVCA) at Queen’s University is seeking submissions for a graduate research conference exploring the intersections of art and the Anthropocene. Hosted by the Department of Art History and Art Conservation and the GVCA, this year’s conference will take place from January 28, 2022, to January 29, 2022. Details about format and keynote speaker will be announced in the coming weeks.

Please see the call for papers linked here for further details about the conference themes and submission guidelines. The NEW deadline for submission is November 12, 2021.


Call for Papers
Archaeologies is a high-profile journal which is distinctive in its wide coverage and geographical range. It publishes contributions of global significance with high impact on the development of archaeology as a global endeavour. We especially welcome contributions from those areas of the world not regularly represented in high-profile publications and representing views of archaeology from those who engage with archaeologists but perhaps do not identify themselves as archaeologists.

We seek offers of papers of general archaeological concern from any area of the world that will inform archaeological practice, theory or understanding more widely and can especially challenge local and global power geometries. As part of our mission and distinctiveness we recognise the especial importance of non-Western epistemologies and intellectual traditions and are keen to represent these in our pages. We are also keen to encourage younger colleagues to contribute to debates at the global level in the belief that they have new and distinctive perceptions of archaeology and its place in the world.

The editors are very happy to advise new and prospective authors on proposals. Contact us at:
John Carman
Kathryn Weedman Arthur

CFP: CMSMC Fall Symposium

On behalf of the Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC), the Symposium Committee is circulating a call for papers for our Fall 2021 online symposium, Crime and Spectacle: Theft, Forgery, and Propaganda.

CMSMC welcomes papers discussing material culture grounded in historical, archaeological, art historical, and/or museum studies approaches. We are drawing from various types of works, including works in progress, book chapters, interdisciplinary approaches, and more.

The symposium will take place via Zoom Webinar on November 20th, 2021 starting at 11 am EST. Proposals for the symposium will be accepted until Friday, October 15, 2021. 

In order to submit a proposal to CMSMC, you will need to provide an abstract (up to 350 words) as well as a partial bibliography, and CV. Please submit materials via this Google Form ( All submissions must be cited in the Chicago Manual of Style. Your submissions will be responded to once they are reviewed by a member of our team. Should your paper be accepted, you will be contacted by the head of our Symposium committee, who will discuss logistics with you. 

Please see the call for papers below for more detailed information.

CFP: Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC)

Call for Papers
On behalf of the Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture, the editorial board is circulating a call for papers relating to the study of Material Culture. The mission of the Coalition of Master’s Scholars on Material Culture (CMSMC) is to provide a platform for emerging master’s scholars, who are at a crucial point in their academic careers, to publish their work and contribute to the expanding field of Material Culture. Drawing from the fields of Art History, Archaeology, History and Museum Studies, CMSMC seeks to foster interdisciplinary discussions and address a diverse pool of topics. The Coalition desires to amplify emerging voices who can bring fresh and diverse perspectives to the field. Furthermore, CMSMC is dedicated to disseminating information that is publicly accessible while maintaining rigorous academic standards.

CMSMC welcomes papers discussing Material Culture grounded in historical,archaeological, art historical, and/or museum studies approaches. Papers will be accepted on a rolling basis.

CMSMC seeks to amplify the voices and scholarship of Master’s scholars. We define a Master’s scholar as anyone who is currently enrolled in or has graduated from a Master’s program.

CMSMC is also open to publishing the work of PhD students who are in their coursework and working towards an MA in their program. PhD Candidates and higher are not eligible.

Submission Guidelines
In order to submit a paper to CMSMC, you will need to provide an abstract (up to 350words) as well as a partial bibliography,and CV. Please email these materials ,with a subject line that reads as follows “last name_submission”All submissions must be cited in the​​Chicago Manual of Style​ Your submissions will be responded to once they are reviewed by a member of our team. Should your paper be accepted, you will be contacted by our Content chair, Hope Elizabeth Gillespie, who will connect you to your editor.Please note, in order to be considered for publication by CMSMC, your paper must be an original work and should not have been previously published.

Article Lengths and Criteria

1.) Short Article (1500-1700 words; 6-7 pages double spaced)
This piece will typically focus on either a single object, like an object biography,or will be a short review of a book/article/essay/exhibit etc. These pieces will be published weekly, and therefore will be accepted on a rolling basis. The editing process for these pieces will be fairly short, with an editor having only about a week of dialogue with the author prior to the publication date

2.) Medium Article (2,500-2,800 words; 10 pages double spaced)
These pieces will typically center around a particular theme or school of thought surrounding object theory, archaeology, art history, and museum studies. These pieces will be similar to conference papers in both length and style. These pieces will be published bi-weekly, and will also be accepted on a rolling basis. The editing process for these papers will typically be about 2-3 weeks, and that schedule will be worked out with your specific editor.

3.)Long-Form Article (4,000-5,000 words; 15-16 pages double spaced)
These pieces will be in-depth investigations on a variety of topics. While we encourage these pieces to be collaborative, these are the most flexible and author driven of our three article lengths. The editorial process for these pieces will vary;the editor will provide more guidelines and a schedule for publication as per each article submission. These pieces will be a monthly feature, and will also be accepted on a rolling basis.

CMSMC looks forward to receiving proposals in response to the call, and is happy to respond to inquiries from interested parties. Questions may be addressed to the Executive Board – Hope Elizabeth Gillespie, Sydney Sheehan, and Mary Kate Smolenski- via e-mail

Find more information at

Rutgers Art Review – Call for Papers and Digital Projects

Rutgers Art Review, a journal of graduate research in art history, hereby invites all current graduate students, as well as professionals who have completed their graduate degree within the past year, to submit papers and digital humanities projects for its 39th edition.

Papers may address all topics and historical periods within the history of art and architecture, visual and material culture, art theory and criticism, archaeology, cultural heritage and preservation, aesthetics, film, and photography. Interdisciplinary studies concerning art and architecture written by students in other fields are also welcome. To be considered for publication, submissions must present original contributions to existing scholarship and conform to our submission guidelines. We encourage authors to ask a faculty member to review their paper before submission.

We also invite authors to submit digital humanities projects for consideration. We seek submissions that address important art historical questions with the help of digital tools. Of particular interest are digital projects that use computational methods, mapping, networking, and/or 3D modeling to analyze and interpret art historical or archaeological materials. Authors of digital humanities projects must include an additional paragraph in their abstract detailing the functionality of their digital resource and its impact on their paper’s claims.

For more information, including submission guidelines, please visit:

Please submit all required materials in a single PDF file by the deadline of September 15, 2021 to:

In the body of the e-mail, please make sure to include:

  • Your name
  • Graduate program affiliation
  • Degree being pursued or previously completed within one year of submission
  • Mailing address
  • E-mail address

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