Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Tag: Byzantine Studies

Position Announcement | Assistant Professor of Archaeology of the Ancient Greek World


Brown University’s Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World and the Department of Classics invite applications for an Assistant Professor of Archaeology of the Ancient Greek World.

Preference will be given to candidates whose primary focus is the archaeology of Classical Greece, but candidates will also be considered with expertise in Iron Age, Archaic, Hellenistic, Late Antique, or Byzantine Greek archaeology. The capacity to teach in both the Archaeology of the Ancient World and Classics programs is a requisite of this position, as is an active program in field, laboratory, or museum research in the broader Greek world. We seek exceptional junior scholars who augment or complement the present strengths and diversity of our community at Brown University, and who enhance our commitment to inclusive education and research. Qualified applicants will hold a Ph.D. by the time of their appointment (July 1, 2025).

Applications are welcome from candidates who have demonstrated a capacity for innovative research and cross-disciplinary thinking in the archaeology of the ancient Greek World. Candidates must have an outstanding record of scholarly achievement, as well as a proven record of publication and service commensurate with their career stage. Excellence in, and commitment to, undergraduate and graduate teaching are essential. We particularly value active involvement and leading roles in ongoing fieldwork projects.

Application Instructions

All candidates should submit a letter of application, a statement (150-300 words) of their experience and/or ideas for prioritizing diversity and inclusion in their teaching and research, and a curriculum vitae by October 1, 2024. Applicants should provide the names of three referees with up-to-date contact information (including email); referees will be contacted directly by the Search Committee. The Search Committee may also contact candidates to request additional materials, such as course descriptions or writing samples. Applications received by October 1, 2024 will receive full consideration, but the search will remain open until the position is closed or filled.

Please submit application materials online. There is no need to provide hard copies of application materials for those that have already been submitted electronically.

For further information:

Professor Andrew Scherer
Chair, Search Committee
Director, Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World
Brown University
Box 1837 / 60 George Street
Providence, RI 02912

Position Announcement | Assistant Professor in Byzantine Greek Studies

Position Title: Assistant Professor in Byzantine Greek Studies
Institution Name: Brown University
Position Rank: Assistant Professor
Area of Specialty: Byzantine Greek Studies
Application Deadline: 2024-11-01

The Department of Classics at Brown University is searching for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Byzantine Greek Studies. They seek a scholar whose work centers on the languages and literatures of the Eastern Roman Empire, and who has demonstrated competencies in one or more technical sub-disciplines, such as paleography and codicology, textual criticism, and/or epigraphy. The ability to teach in Byzantine Studies comes with the expectation that the successful candidate can also offer courses in Ancient Greek and Latin as necessary. Experience in university-level teaching and a strong research trajectory are prerequisites for this position. The Ph.D. must be in hand before July 1, 2025, the starting date of this appointment.

Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and cover letter, a brief statement of their experience and/or ideas for prioritizing diversity and inclusion in their teaching and research, at least three letters of recommendation, and a writing sample. Applications received by November 1, 2024 are assured of full review.

Please submit application materials online at at this link. For further information please contact the chair of the search committee, Prof. Joseph Pucci, at

View the entire advertisement on the SCS website.

Free Access to Articles: Byzantine Studies

To celebrate the SPBS Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, enjoy free access to a special collection of articles from Cambridge’s Classics journals.

Where not already Open Access, content is free to read and download until the end of April 2023. The articles include:

  • Did the Byzantines call themselves Byzantines? Elements of Eastern Roman identity in the imperial discourse of the seventh century – Panagiotis Theodoropoulos, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
  • Law, custom and myth: Aspects of the social position of women in classical Athens – John Gould, The Journal of Hellenic Studies
  • A lead figurine from Toprakhisar Höyük: magico-ritual objects in the Syro-Anatolian Middle Bronze Age – Murat Akar and Demet Kara, Anatolian Studies

Click here to view the full collection

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