Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Tag: conference

2024 World Neolithic Congress

The 2024 World Neolithic Congress is set to take place in November at Şanlıurfa (Türkiye), and is currently open for paper submissions to be presented at the conference. The congress aims to foster debate on the development of sedentism, agriculture, domestication, and broader topics on Neolithization through global perspectives. There are numerous exciting sessions aiming to bring together archaeologists working in diverse geographic regions. These sessions may be seen here.

Paper abstracts are due May 20, 2024. For information on guidelines as well as how to submit, please see the submission form here.

Call For Papers | Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America


The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) is opening a call for papers for their annual meeting. The topic of this meeting is “Continuity, Transition, and Transformation of Urban Space in the Roman World,” and will be hosted Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It will take place from 2-4 January, 2025.

Throughout the Roman world, cities form a distinct locale for social and cultural interaction and are in a constant state of flux and transition. Under the lens of change and transformation, we are better able to observe the various socio-cultural dynamics and phases of development that are crucial for understanding urbanization processes of cities. Cities encompass not just the urban zones but also the surrounding suburban and rural areas. They are a combination of public and private spheres that intertwine in distinctive and fascinating ways. Over time, these spaces had various phases of occupation, abandonment, and reuse, encouraged by political, cultural, or religious events. These perhaps altered their original function and created new types of spaces and interactions within them. This panel intends to highlight the archaeology of Roman urban centers from across the Mediterranean and beyond, from the second half of the first millennium BCE to Late Antiquity. This colloquium offers a chance to explore these concepts, relationships, and the various methodologies used in archaeology and related fields to evaluate Roman urban areas

The AIA is open for papers especially pertaining to the following topics:

  • Creation, use and access of spaces
  • process of urbanization and deurbanization
  • Cultural interactions within spaces (entanglement, colonial encounters)
  • Reuse and recycling of space
  • Representations of public spaces (coins, mosaics, frescoes)
  • Relationships between urban, suburban and rural areas

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2024. For more information on how to submit, please contact Katie Breyer at  More information on the call for papers can be found on this flyer.

Updates from the Society of Black Archaeologists


The Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA) has released their February Newsletter! Featured information includes upcoming publications, conferences, and call for papers.


  • Dossiê Arqueologias Negras: nossas lutas, nossas histórias – Primeira parteNegrArqueo has recently published a special issue on Black Archaeology in the journal Revista de Arqueologia v. 37 n. 1 (2024).

Upcoming Events

  • The Northwest Anthropological Conference: Portland, Oregon | March 6-9, 2024 – The 2024 theme is “Building Bridges”: Consultation and Community Engagement, Registration is now open. This conference will also host a Tribal Caucus, the Portland Indigenous Marketplace with other vendors/organizations, a silent auction to support local nonprofits (The Chúush Fund: Water for Warm Springs, and All Tribes Mental Health Services, Inc.), and much more! Tribal member admission is free and there is a stipend application for tribal members to cover costs of attendance through the Association of Oregon Archaeologists (AOA). See the website for more details
  • Anthropology and the Black Experience Conference | May 15-18, 2024 – The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA), Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA), and the Black in BioAnth (BiBA) Collective are pleased to host The Anthropology and the Black Experience Conference, May 15-18, 2023 at University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal. The 21st century has witnessed significant shifts in the anthropological landscape, with diverse voices and perspectives emerging to challenge traditional narratives. This conference seeks to explore the unique contributions and experiences of Black scholars in anthropology, emphasizing the rich tapestry of knowledge, methodologies, and insights they bring to the discipline. They invite scholars, researchers, and students from all sub-disciplines and related fields to reflect on the historiography of anthropology in Africa and the African diaspora, the role and contributions of people of African descent in the field, and the latest research being done by and in communities of African descent.


  • Herskovits Library of African Studies Research Grant | Northwestern University – The Northwestern University Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies is one of the largest separate African studies libraries in existence. Applications are open for the 2024-2025 Northwestern Libraries Travel Grants. This travel grant was established in 2021 to facilitate and support research projects that significantly benefit from substantial onsite use of the unique, special and archival collections of the Herskovits Library. The grant is available to researchers whose projects explore new lines of inquiry, interdisciplinary and multi-layered research and contribute to the deeper understanding of the diverse peoples and countries of the African continent. The deadline to apply is April 1, 2024.
  • Call for Papers – Archaeologies of Crisis and Constraint: African Tales from the Field | Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites – Contributors are asked to discuss the ways in which catastrophic or unexpected events influence the practice of heritage research, fieldwork, and management in Africa. In the issue, authors will detail how these occurrences (that we sometimes might not disclose) force us to adopt new innovative strategies that drive our work in new and exciting ways that would otherwise have not taken place. Email an abstract of no more than 300 words by April 1 2024 to Rachel Ama Asaa Engmann []
  • SBA Conference Travel Award – The award offers support for non-US SBA members traveling to present research at scholarly conferences. SBA will provide a total award of up to $1000 USD. Award funding is intended for conference and travel-related expenses, including conference registration, travel (e.g., airfare, vehicle rentals), and room/board. Questions about the award can be sent to

For more information on the SBA, as well as how to support their staff and scholars, please visit their website here.

ARCE Annual Meeting | Registration Open


The 2024 American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Annual Meeting is now open for registration. Every year, the ARCE gathers to explore and celebrate the latest research discoveries in Egyptology. This year, the meeting will be in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from April 19-21, 2024. It will be hold at the Omni William Penn Hotel.

One of the sessions to keep on your calendar is the Fellowship Information Session on Saturday April 20th at 12:45 PM in the Allegheny room of the Omni William Penn Hotel. View the meeting schedule.

Please visit to register and learn more.

For assistance, please email

“Context and Meaning XXII: Scandal” Student Conference

Join the Queen’s University Art History Department for their Graduate Student Conference “Context and Meaning XXII: Scandal.” It will take place online and in person on February 3-4, 2023. The Keynote Speaker will be John Geoghegan at 1:15-2:15pm on Friday 3, 2023. Register for the conferenc eat

Call for Proposals: “Anthropology and the Black Experience”

The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA), Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA), and the Black in BioAnth (BiBA) Collective are pleased to announce a call for papers for a conference entitled “Anthropology and the Black Experience.” The 21st century has witnessed significant shifts in the anthropological landscape, with diverse voices and perspectives emerging to challenge traditional narratives. This conference seeks to explore the unique contributions and experiences of Black scholars in anthropology, emphasizing the rich tapestry of knowledge, methodologies, and insights they bring to the discipline. The organizers invite scholars, researchers, and students from all sub-disciplines and related fields to reflect on the historiography of anthropology in Africa and the African diaspora, the role and contributions of people of African descent in the field, and the latest research being done by and in communities of African descent.

They welcome submissions on a range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Historical and contemporary contributions of Black anthropologists.
  • Methodological innovations introduced by scholars of African descent.
  • The intersection of race, identity, and anthropological research.
  • Case studies highlighting the experiences of Black communities globally.
  • The future of anthropology: Challenges and opportunities for Black scholars.

The submission guidelines are as follows:

  • Abstracts should be no more than 300 words.
  • Include a title, author(s) name, affiliation, and contact details.
  • Indicate if the submission is for a paper presentation, panel discussion, or poster session.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: December 31, 2023
  • Notification of Acceptance: Late January
  • Conference Dates: May 15-18, 2023 at University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal

For questions or more information, email The link to apply can be found here.

HCDG Call for Speakers – “It’s Complicated”

The HCDG is a network run out of the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre that brings together a large, diverse community of people actively engaging with a vast array of topics surrounding heritage and colonialism. For the upcoming academic year (2023-2024), the HCDG invites proposals for presentations centred around the theme: “It’s Complicated”.


The term “complicated” has often been used to dismiss or excuse action when heritage matters related to colonialism are discussed. The theme “It’s Complicated” seeks to reclaim the word as a tool for unravelling nuanced colonial issues throughout time and exploring the barriers as well as the potential avenues for engaging with them in the present.

By this call, we encourage submissions from all disciplines and professions that address colonial issues that may be characterised as “complicated” with the view to exploring their complexity.

Potential themes include but are not limited to:

  • Museum Studies and Praxis
  • Heritage Narratives and Representations
  • Institutional Policies and Practice
  • Cultural Heritage and the Law
  • Heritage Ethics


The HCDG will hold one-hour online sessions from October 2023 – March 2024.

Speakers will have 20-25 minutes to give their presentations, which will then be followed by a moderated 30 minute Q&A session. Participants have the option of having their presentations recorded and published on the HCDG YouTube channel.

To submit a proposal, please send the following to

  1. An abstract of maximum 250 words
  2. A bio of maximum 100 words

Application deadline: 20 AUGUST 2023 (GMT 23:59)

Applicants will be notified about the outcome of their submissions by 31 August 2023.

“Anthropology and the Black Experience” – Society of Black Archaeology conference

The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA), the Society of Black Archaeologists (SBA) and Blacks in Biological Anthropology (BiBA), are hosting a joint conference in Dakar, Senegal in May 2024 titled “Anthropology and the Black Experience.” They need your help to decide on the date of the conference.

If you are interested in attending this once-in-a-lifetime conference, please vote!

There may be funding available for graduate students to assist with travel, conference fees, and lodging.

Complete this brief survey no later than September 5th 2023 – 12 P.M. Pacific Standard Time so that they can plan accordingly.

Graduate Student Conference: Negation

Join the Department of German Studies for a graduate student conference surrounding “The Meaning of Negation in a Moral Universe.” There will be a lecture by Paul North, a professor of German from Yale University, followed by a discussion by panelists. All are invited to attend. All proceedings will be in English.

Date: 17-18 February

Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Location: Petteruti Lounge, 75 Waterman St.

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