Archaeology News and Announcements

from Brown University's Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World

Tag: turkey (Page 1 of 2)

World Neolithic Congress | Logistics

The World Neolithic Congress is hosting their 2024 Annual Meeting in Sanliurfa, Türkiye. Individuals interested in registering and attending the event may see information on how to apply for a travel visa to Turkey, as well as ensure accommodations, at this link.

Information on the full program may be viewed here.

ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey, 2024-2025


The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is currently offering fellowships for research and language study in Turkey for the 2024-2025 period.

ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern times, in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral and advanced doctoral fellowships (PhD candidate) may be held for one month up to one academic year.

ARIT / National Endowment for the Humanities Advanced Fellowships for Research in Turkey cover all fields of the humanities, including prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history. The fellowships support applicants who have completed their academic training for terms ranging from four months to one year.

Applications for ARIT and ARIT NEH fellowships must be submitted to ARIT by November 1, 2024. The fellowship committee will notify applicants in late January 2025.

ARIT Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language in Istanbul offers intensive advanced study of Turkish at Bogazici University during the summer 2025. Participants must have completed two years of Turkish language study or the equivalent. The fellowships cover round-trip airfare to Istanbul, application and tuition fees, and a maintenance stipend. The application deadline will be in February, 2025.

For additional information on these opportunities, please visit the ARIT webpage.

ARIT Hybrid Lectures

The American Research Institute in Turkey is hosting two hybrid lectures in May. Please see the information on each one below.

An Empire of Individuals: Ottoman Antioch, 1703 to 1764

A hybrid lecture by David Meza, University of California, Riverside

Monday, May 6, 2024, 6:00 pm, 11:00 am EDT at ARIT ANAMED, Istanbul

Register here.

Hungarian Architects in Early Republican Türkiye

A hybrid lecture by Gergő Máté Kovács, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in conjunction with the Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year

Monday, May 20, 2024, 6:00 pm, 11:00 am EDT at ARIT ANAMED, Istanbul

Register here. 

ARIT Hybrid Lecture: Art and Archaeology in Turkey

The American Research Institute in Turkey is hosting a series of hybrid lectures entitled Art and Archaeology in Turkey. See information below on the upcoming lecture.

“The Flavian Building Programme in Asia Minor: The Age of Vespasian” | A hybrid lecture by Deniz Berk Tokbudak [Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, Karaman
Turkish American Association (TAA) / Türk Amerikan Derneği (TAD) in Ankara]. Monday, April 15, 2024, 7:00 pm, 12:00 EDT. Register for the lecture here.

Exploring Central Anatolia (Galatia and Phrygia) On the Road with The Byzantine Legacy | A hybrid lecture by David Hendrix [Turkish American Assocation (TAA) / Türk Amerikan Derneği (TAD) in Ankara]. Monday, April 29, 2024, 7:00 pm, 12:00 pm EDT. Register for the lecture here.

For more information on the American Research Institute in Turkey, see their website here.

ARIT Online Lecture | Alevi-Bektashi Digital Archive: A Project of Cultural Preservation

The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is hosting an online lecture with Professor Ayfer Karakaya-Stump (History, The College of William and Mary) entitled “Alevi-Bektashi Digital Archive: A Project of Cultural Preservation.”

Professor Karakaya-Stump will discus the Alevi-Bektashi Digital Archive project undertaken in collaboration with Professor Cemal Kafadar, Harvard University. The project aims to document and safeguard the historical and cultural heritage of Alevi-Bektashi communities in Anatolia and the Balkans, making it accessible to a broad audience through a user-friendly digital platform.

March 11, 2024 at 6 pm Istanbul, 10 am EST

For more information on the lecture, as well as ARIT, please follow this link. To register for the online lecture, please click this link here.

American Research Institute in Turkey 2023 Newsletter

The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT)’s 2023 Newsletter is now available online! It includes a letter from ARIT President Linda T. Darling (University of Arizona), news of wonderful new facilities in Istanbul and Ankara, a summer program in Turkish language, and a highlight of fellows and donors.

ARIT research fellows report on Ottoman poetry in Turkish language, analysis of dental remains from Early Bronze Age Karataş-Semayük, music production of the Roman (Romani) families.

More ARIT programs and services may be found here, and previous issues of the annual newsletter may be found through this link.

Date Change – Online Seminar “Networking Women: Modelling Female Maritime Mobility Networks between Crete and Miletus”

The Research Institute in Turkey’s online seminar with Dr. Lana Radloff (Bishop University) has changed to December 11, 2024. The lecture will be at 7:00pm Istanbul (11:00am New York EST). The event is in collaboration with the Koç University Mustafa V. Koç Maritime Archaeology Research Center (KUDAR) and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology (INA). Click this link to register for the event.

Lectures from the American Research Institute in Turkey

The American Research Institute in Turkey is hosting two lectures this November that are available to the public,

“New Studies on the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck”

Online Seminar: with Emre Kuruçayırlı, Boğaziçi University
Date: November 10, 2023
Time: 7:00 pm Istanbul, 11:00 am New York
Please register at
A collaboration with Koc University Maritime Archaeology Research Center (KUDAR), Institute of Nautical Archaeology, and American Research Institute in Turkey – ARIT

Ottoman Art in America:  A Century Long Artistic Relationship Between Türkiye and the United States”

A lecture by ARIT Istanbul Director Dr. Zeynep Simavi,
Date: November 13,2023
Time: 6:00 pm Istanbul, 10:00 am New York
Please register at

ARIT Fellowship for Research and Language Study in Turkey for 2024-2025

The American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) is pleased to announce 2024-2025 fellowship programs for students and scholars based in the U.S. and Canada:

ARIT Fellowships for Research in Turkey are offered for research in ancient, medieval, or modern times, in any field of the humanities and social sciences. Post-doctoral and advanced doctoral fellowships (PhD candidate) may be held for one month up to one academic year.

ARIT / National Endowment for the Humanities Advanced Fellowships for Research in Turkey cover all fields of the humanities, including prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history. The fellowships support applicants who have completed their academic training for terms ranging from four months to one year.

Applications for ARIT and ARIT NEH fellowships must be submitted to ARIT by November 1, 2023. The fellowship committee will notify applicants in late January 2024.

ARIT Summer Fellowships for Advanced Turkish Language in Istanbul offers intensive advanced study of Turkish at Bogazici University during the summer 2024. Participants must have completed two years of Turkish language study or the equivalent. The fellowships cover round-trip airfare to Istanbul, application and tuition fees, and a maintenance stipend. The application deadline will be in February, 2024.

For additional information please see the ARIT webpage

America Research Institute in Turkey Book Talk

The ARIT will be discussing Following Miss Bell: Travels Around Turkey in the Footsteps of Gertrude Bell by Pat Yale. It will feature an online lecture  and in person with Yale, a journalist and traveler in Instanbul.

Date: Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Time: 6:00pm Instanbul

Location: ANAMED Auditorium, İstiklal Caddesi, 181, Merkez Han, Beyoğlu

Register for the zoom lecture here.

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