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AGU 2024 Presentations

It has been a busy year of research and we are excited for AGU! Listed below are the posters and talks being presented by current Ibarra lab group members this year at the AGU Fall Meeting!


G Piccione, DE Ibarra, T Blackburn, 2024,Late Miocene Sea Level Estimate Based a Novel Terrestrial Record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet Oxygen Isotope Composition. PP21B-07

M Geraldes Vega, N Sekhon, C Kong-Johnson, B Belanger, S Jalandoni, CP David, MCM Geronia, D McGee, JL Oster, K Cobb, DE Ibarra, 2024, Late Pleistocene, high resolution speleothem record from the Philippines provides insight into Southeast Asian monsoon dynamics at orbital to decadal scales. Abstract submitted to the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting. PP21C-0489

DE IbarraCA Gagnon, R HavelJ ChenG Piccione, ER Nigro, EB Hodgin, CP Chamberlain, 2024, Triple Oxygen Isotope Standardization of Low Temperature Silicate and Oxide Standards. V23A-3315



G Piccione, R Leeper, A Daneschmand, M Kirby, DE Ibarra, 2024, Geochemical Characterization of Tufa from Glacial Lake Mojave, Great Basin, USA. PP31C-0509

A Torres, G Piccione, A Dubey, J Stephen, M Gibertoni, A Daneschmand, M Kirby, DE Ibarra, 2024, Hydroclimate variability in Glacial Lake Mojave: A high-resolution shoreline tufa record across the last deglaciation. PP31D-0528

A Dubey, G Piccione, J Stephen, A Torres, N Chang, A Daneschmand, M Kirby, DE Ibarra, 2024, Ostracod Record of Environmental Conditions in Glacial Lake Mojave Across The Last Deglaciation. PP31C-0515



S Muñoz, LC Smith, G Piccione, EJ Ramos, S Esenther, J Jenckes, LA Munk, DE Ibarra, 2024, Competition between ice sheet and mountain glacier weathering dictates strength of climate feedback. EP41D-1221

MJ Custado, JPT Domingo, CP David, DE Ibarra, 2024,Strontium isotope controls on mafic and ultramafic weathering: A case study in the Zambales Ophiolite Complex, Philippines, Southeast Asia. EP41D-1218

C Kong-JohnsonN Sekhon, M Geraldes Vega, B Belanger, S Jalandoni, NS Dela Cruz, CP David, MCM Geronia, K Cobb, J Oster, D McGee, DE Ibarra, 2024, Comparison of two Philippines speleothem records from the late Holocene to discern the relationship between southeast Asian monsoon systems. PP41B-03A

D Kerins, et al., 2024, Topography and Hydrologic Connectivity Predominantly Regulate the Sensitivity of Dissolved Organic Carbon Production to Temperature and Hydrology in Rocky Mountain Watersheds. B41L-1466



DE Ibarra, JE Tierney, KJ Ancukaitis, T Bhattacharya, KR Johnson, 2024, paleoCAMP (Paleoclimate Training in Climate Archives, Models, and Proxies): Developing an Inclusive Graduate Student Summer School in Paleoclimatology. ED51A-04

D Kerinset al., 2024,Hydrology outweighs temperature in driving production and export of dissolved carbon in a snowy mountain catchment. H51O-0908


All talks and posters with Ibarra as coauthor can be found here:  and are listed below.

AJ Moreno, J Benson, DE Ibarra, MG Jackson, 2024,Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements of Samoan Lavas: Insights Into Crustal Recycling and Geochemical Zonation Within the Samoan Mantle Plume. V11C-02

A Arnold, LM Santi, DE Ibarra, RB Lomarda, JM Lora, AK Tripati, 2024, Precipitation or Evaporation? Disentangling Past Drivers of Hydroclimate in Watersheds of the Great Basin. PP31C-0517

N Mesbah, KL Butler, DE Ibarra, LA Munk, D Boutt, 2024, Multiple isotopic systems contrain distinct lithium sources and enrichment mechanisms in low-temperature brines. GC33F-0196

KV Lau, K Taylor, S Rausi, TT Isson, B Kalderon-Asael, DE Ibarra, D Hulse, J Payne, D Altiner, DJ Lehrmann, 2024, Heterogenous lithium isotope records in carbonate and siliciclastic archives across the end-Permian mass extinction: an indicator for removal through reverse weathering. PP33E-0588

KM Fischer, T Bingham-Hickman, C Ukaonu, M Barbery, DE Ibarra, M Hastings, E Cooperdock, 2024, Dynamic Earth in the 21st Century: The DEEPS-Leadership Alliance NSF REU Site at Brown University. ED33A-2283

J Jenckes, A Russo, S MunozDE Ibarra, DF Boutt, LA Munk, 2024, Chemical hydrograph separation illuminates seasonal geochemical cycles within high-latitude watersheds of the Gulf of Alaska. Abstract submitted to the 2024 AGU Fall Meeting.

J Nirenberg, DE Ibarra, T Herbert, 2024, Plant waxes record East Antarctic hydroclimate during Miocene global warmth. PP52B-05

JL Oster, BB Belanger, ME Maxey, C Kinsley, W Sharp, CY Chen, DE Ibarra, 2024, Lake Manix carbonate stable isotope record documents climate change in the Mojave Desert across four glacial terminations. PP23E-02


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