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Dr. Ibarra is an Assistant Professor at Brown University appointed in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences and the Institute at Brown for Environment & Society. Prospective students and postdocs are encouraged to contact Dr. Ibarra (daniel_ibarra [at] brown [dot] edu) directly.

Undergraduate students interested in our work should get in touch with Dr. Ibarra! Opportunities exist for Brown undergraduates through the SPRINT|UTRA awards and external undergraduates during summers through the DEEPS Leadership Alliance REU. Dr. Ibarra is  accepting new undergraduates into his lab group for AY 24-25, two opportunities are being advertised through Brown’s SPRINT|UTRA program:

Graduate students are typically funded on a combination of internal and external fellowships, research grants and teaching assistantships. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact Dr. Ibarra before applying to discuss research interests and ongoing projects. Dr. Ibarra may admit new graduate students in AY 25-26. Information for prospective graduate students can be found on the DEEPS website. Dr. Ibarra is happy to discuss research project ideas for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program and DoD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program with prospective students. Please plan to get in touch by September 2024 if you plan to apply for Fall 2025 admission.

Postdoc funding opportunities at Brown include:

Dr. Ibarra is also always open to co-developing ideas for other external postdoc fellowships (e.g., Agouron Geobiology, NSF EAR-PF, NOAA C&GC). Dr. Ibarra is currently recruiting postdocs to his lab group.