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Group Members

Postdoctoral Researchers

Piccione Headshot

Dr. Gavin Piccione ( – Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2023-Present

B.S. Geosciences (Summa cum Laude), Stony Brook University, 2016; Ph.D. Earth & Planetary Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, 2023;

I am a geochemist and geochronologist with broad interests in the processes that link Earth’s climate and hydrosphere through time. My research leverages both traditional and novel terrestrial sedimentary archives to create time-resolved datasets that describe paleoclimate evolution on decadal to million-year timescales. I have applied these methods to reconstruct the rates of Antarctic ice sheet growth and retreat, and the impact of glaciers on global geochemical cycles. While at Brown, I am working with Dr. Daniel Ibarra on projects investigating the temporal variability of hydroclimate in the western US, as well as weathering beneath ice sheets. Before arriving at Brown, I earned my bachelor’s degree (with Honors) in Geoscience at Stony Brook University, and my PhD in Earth and Planetary Science at the University of California Santa Cruz.

Devon KerinsDr. Devon Kerins – Voss Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2024; Visiting Scholar, 2025-Present

B.Sc. Civil Engineering, Montana State University, 2015; M.Eng.Sc. Civil Engineering, National University of Ireland, Galway (now University of Galway), 2016; Ph.D. Environmental Engineering and Biogeochemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, 2024

Current: Assistant Professor at University College Dublin

Devon is interested in how climate and land-use change influence terrestrial-aquatic carbon cycling and water quality. Their research employs data-driven and reactive transport models to investigate the interactions between water flow, biogeochemical processes, watershed structure, and external forcings. At Brown University, they will work with Dr. Dan Ibarra to explore how urbanization, in comparison to less human-impacted areas, alters catchment hydro-biogeochemical functioning and drives changes in water and carbon fluxes to streams. Outside of research you can usually find Devon crocheting a half-finished project, snowboarding down a mountain, standing on the periphery of the pit at a gig, or watching Ghost Adventures.


Research Associate/Lab Manager

H Tompkins headshotHannah Tompkins – Research Associate, 2024-Present

B.S. Geological Sciences, University of Rochester, 2019; M.S. Geosciences, University of Arizona, 2022

Hannah is an isotope geochemist and detail-oriented laboratory manager with a deep appreciation for the meticulous nature of clean lab wet chemistry. At Brown, she has been working in the Trace Metal Laboratory (TML), where she sets up Li isotopes, Sr isotopes, and U-series/U-Th geochronology systems, contributing to a diverse range of projects in the Ibarra group. Her master’s research focused on constraining magmatic equilibrium Zr isotope fractionation in zircon growth experiments. Outside of the lab, you can find her trying a new dance class with her cousin, immersed in a science fiction novel, or walking and eating her way around Providence.


Graduate Students

Catherine (Cathy) A. Gagnon (IBES Profile; LinkedIn) – DEEPS Ph.D. Candidate (5th year) – Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program recipient

B.S. Geoscience (w/ hydrogeology concentration), The Pennsylvania State University, 2020

Cathy is a 4th year PhD candidate at Brown University excited about stable isotope geochemistry, terrestrial paleoclimatology, and volcano-sedimentary lithium deposits. Broadly speaking, she uses a variety of stable isotope and mineral characterization methods to understand the geological, environmental, and thermodynamic mechanisms controlling lithium enrichment in sedimentary rocks. Her geological field training involved mapping landscapes in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. Current research interests have since taken her to the arid and semi-arid basins of California, Nevada, and the Atacama desert in Chile. She has conducted research as an intern for Lithium Americas and will be conducting research at the Berkley National Lab this Fall/Winter as part of the DOE SCGSR program. In addition to research, Cathy loves winter hiking, rollerblading, and playing ice hockey around the greater Boston area where she is from. She resides in Norton, MA with her fiancé, little black cat, and kind and goofy dog, Penny.


Sebastian (Seb) Muñoz (IBES Profile) – DEEPS Ph.D. Candidate (4th year) – Brown Presidential Fellow & National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow – co-advised by Larry Smith

B.S. Geological Sciences (hydrogeology honors) and B.A. Liberal Arts, University of Texas, Austin, 2018

Sebastian spends all of his time thinking about, studying, or boating on rivers. He is interested in how surface water chemistry will change in response to human activities and climate change. Previous work includes studying rock glaciers contributions to river flows in northern Chile, and understanding surface water and groundwater interactions downstream of a dam in the Colorado River near Austin, TX.


M. Justin Custado (IBES Profile) – DEEPS Graduate Student (3rd year)

B.S. Chemistry, University of the Philippines – Diliman, 2015 & M.S. Environmental Science, University of the Philippines – Diliman, 2021

Justin‘s research interests span broadly within the fields of aquatic geochemistry (e.g., spatiotemporal variation of chemical species through water systems) and hydrology related to climate processes (e.g., investigating the response of hydrological parameters to events such as the ENSO). Originally from a hot and humid country (the Philippines), he moved to Providence in the Fall of 2022 and is currently struggling with the cold New England weather.
Headshot of Riley outside

Riley Havel  (IBES Profile) – DEEPS Graduate Student (3rd year) – National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

B.Sc. in Physics – Astronomy Track, Minor in Geosciences, and Certificate in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Central Florida, 2022
Riley is particularly interested in stable isotopes in meteorites and what they can tell us about the early evolution of our solar system. One of her favorite parts about her job is spending time in the lab tinkering with the fluorination line. Outside of Brown, Riley loves to spend time with friends at crossfit, silent book club, and the beach.


Mónica Geraldes Vega – DEEPS Graduate Student (2nd year) – co-advised by Kim Cobb

B.A. Geological Sciences, Mount Holyoke College, 2022

Mónica is broadly interested in paleoclimate, biogeochemistry, and geochronology. Her undergraduate work at Mount Holyoke College involved deciphering siliciclastic paleolake levels of a Jurassic rift lake in Western Massachusetts using physical and geochemical proxies. At Brown, she’s switched gears a little and is into learning about more geologically recent carbonate records via stalagmite samples from the Philippines. She is driven by questions related to tropical paleoclimate and general excitement about learning and sharing knowledge. She is also enjoying her transition from her native Dominican Republic to Providence life, where she is getting better at cooking every day.




Anna Dubey, Sc.B. Candidate, Ecology, Evolution, & Organismal Biology, Brown University, 2025

Anna is a fourth-year student at Brown studying ecology, evolution, and organismal biology. Her research interests lie at the intersection of evolutionary biology and paleoclimate. She is currently working on a project with Gavin using ostracod data from Silver Lake, CA to produce a temperature record. Other than research, her activities include writing for Encyclopedia Britannica and teaching environmental science to high school students.


Celia Kong-Johnson, A.B. Candidate Geology-Chemistry and Applied Math, Brown University, 2025

Fall 2023 SPRINT|UTRA Award

2023 RSI-WAVE Fellows, Caltech

AGU 2023 Fall Meeting Presentation: Insights into paleorainfall variability in the Philippines using the geochemistry of a speleothem spanning 28 to 51 kyrs BP

2024 Sarah LaMendola Undergraduate Research Award

2024 NSF SOARS Protégé at NSF NCAR, Boulder CO

I am currently a fourth-year at Brown University and am double concentrating in geochemistry and applied math. I am most interested in paleoclimate studies and applying these findings to modern and future climate change research. I am also interested in applying quantitative methods to my research. In Dr. Ibarra’s lab, I analyze carbon and oxygen isotope records in speleothems from Colombia and the Philippines, but mostly the Philippines, to help reconstruct hydroclimate variability in the Indo Pacific Warm Pool region. Outside of academics here at Brown, I enjoy hanging out with my friends and finding places to get dessert or ice cream. I also enjoy visiting and exploring National Parks with my family.


Picture of Sarah Levine

Sarah Levine, Undeclared (Geology-Chemistry or Chemistry), Brown University, 2027

Fall 2024 SPRINT|UTRA Award

Sarah is a second-year undergraduate student interested in environmental chemistry. She is fascinated by how complex systems of chemical reactions are affected by human activity. She works with Sebastian to study how deglaciation changes weathering processes. Outside of that she enjoys traditional Korean drumming, hiking, gardening, and disability justice activism.


Eleanor picture by river

Eleanor Barth Wu, A.B. Candidate, Geology-Chemistry, Brown University, 2026

I am a third year undergraduate studying geochemistry. Currently, I am working with Sebastian and Hannah to elucidate glacial weathering processes in Alaska. Having been a member of Brown’s inaugural soil-judging team, I am also excited by the relationship between weathering and soils. In my free time I write a restaurant review column for the Brown Daily Herald, and I enjoy biking around Rhode Island.

Picture of Josie

Josephine Harrison, Undeclared, Brown University, 2028

Josie is a first-year undergraduate student studying biological sciences. She is interested in the ways that biology interacts with environmental cycles, and what it can tell us about Earth systems. She is working with Gavin on a project investigating the effects of climate change and stormwater runoff on metal contamination in Providence watersheds. In her free time she loves to make art, go on walks, and play board games with her friends.


Kira 2025 picture

Kira Ivanova, Undeclared, Brown University, 2028

Kira is an international student from Ukraine pursuing Mechanical Engineering at Brown University. Passionate about the intersection of engineering and environmental sustainability, she aims to develop technological solutions to address climate change. Her research interests include urban geochemical hydrology and the impact of urbanization on lichen density, a topic on which she has written coursework. Beyond engineering, she is engaged in environmental policy and impact investment. As a first-generation, low-income student, she is also dedicated to education equity, having created an English tutoring program for Ukrainian refugees. In her free time, she is a professional dancer and enjoys singing, going to the gym, and outdoor activities.

Emma 2025Emma Louthain, A.B. Candidate Chemistry and Science, Technology, & Society Studies (STS), Brown University, 2025

I am a fourth-year undergraduate student double concentrating in Chemistry and STS. Currently, I am working with Justin and Hannah to analyze Uranium isotope data from Bear Lake to learn more about weathering patterns. I am interested in pursuing a career exploring soil chemistry and soil remediation techniques. Outside of lab, I enjoy cooking new recipes, going for long runs, and discovering  new coffeeshops!




Former Group Members


Dr. Natasha Sekhon (Website; IBES Profile) – Voss Postdoctoral Research Associate and Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021 to 2023

Current: Assistant Professor at Occidental College!


Dr. Kristina Butler (; – NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow, 2023

Current: Assistant Professor at UT Dallas


Dr. Evan Ramos (Website) – NSF EAR Postdoctoral Fellow, 2021 to 2023; Affiliated Postdoc 2023-2024 (Primarily at Rice University)

Current: Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh


Graduate Students

photo of Jiquan with cowboy hatJiquan Chen – Ph.D. Candidate at China University of Geosciences, Beijing (2022-Present) & Visiting Ph.D. Student at Brown University (2023-2024)



Theodore (Ted) Bobik – Sc.M. Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences, Brown University, 2024

Thesis: Filling in the Gaps: Paleosols as Regional Recorders of Hydroclimatic Change in Northeast China at the Cretaceous – Paleogene



Jesse Miller, A.B. with Honors, Geological Sciences, Brown University, 2023

Summer 2022 SPRINT|UTRA Award and Research at Brown Grant

2023 GSA NE-SE Regional Meeting Presentation: Temperature Dependent Dissolution Experiments of Basalt, Dacite and Pumice from The Little Deschutes River Valley

Senior thesis: Temperature dependent dissolution experiments of basaltic andesite, dacite and pumice from the Little Deschutes River Valley, Oregon

Remote Lab Technician 2023-2024. Current: Farm Manager, The Opportunity Hub

Ale PicAlejandra (Ale) Torres, B.S. Candidate Earth Science and Data Science, Southern Methodist University 2026

Summer 2024 Leadership Alliance/DEEPS REU

Upcoming AGU 2024 Poster Presentation!


T Gotsch Pic

Tee Gotsch, A.B. Candidate Geology-Biology and Music, Brown University, 2026

Summer 2024 SPRINT|UTRA Award



Jonah Bernstein-Schalet, Sc.B. Candidate Geology-Biology, Brown University, 2024.

2023-24 Voss Undergraduate Fellowship Award

AGU 2023 Fall Meeting Presentation: Linking Post-Wildfire Soil Geochemistry to Carbon Processes and Chemical Weathering

GSA NE 2024 Presentation: Wildfire impacts on soil chemistry and the role of pyrogenic carbon in soil mineral transformation

Senior Thesis: Linking Stream Chemistry to Soil Biogeochemistry to Investigate the Environmental Legacy of Wildfire in Oregon’s West Cascades

Current: Research Scientist, Mati Carbon

A young white adult is pictured squatting outside in front of green trees and shrubs, with mountains a town in the distance. They are smiling and squinting, facing the sun. They’re wearing a light blue jean jacket over a dark green shirt, a multi-colored bag strap on their left side, and a small silver necklace. Whitney Vieira Ribeiro, Sc.B. Geology-Biology, Brown University, 2024.

Senior thesis: Tracking the Impact of the K/Pg on Pelagic Shark Diversity Using Dermal Denticles

Current: Paleontological Research Institution


Marina Benson, Sc.B. with Honors, Geology-Biology and B.A. Music, Brown, 2024

2023-24 Voss Undergraduate Research Fellow

Senior thesis: Edgartown Great Pond is Turning Green! The Ecological Impacts of Nitrogen Pollution on Coastal Estuaries

Daniel Graves, Sc.B. with Honors, Environmental Sciences, Brown University, 2024

GSA NE Presentation: Variability of groundwater recharge in variable climates: a groundwater flow model for the Southern Great Basin

Senior thesis: Variability of groundwater recharge in variable climates: a water-energy balance groundwater model for the arid Southern Great Basin

Shaw Miller, Sc.B. with Honors, Geology-Biology, Brown University, 2023.5

Summer 2022 SPRINT|UTRA Award

2023 Sarah LaMendola Undergraduate Research Award

2023 AGU Fall Meeting Presentation: Identifying drivers of hydroclimate change during Marine Isotope Stage 5 in Owens Valley CA using carbonate clumped isotopes.

Senior thesis: Identifying drivers of hydroclimate change during MIS 5 in Owens Valley, California using carbonate clumped isotopes
In-Person Laboratory Technician 2024.

Maira Rojas-Tineo, Sc.B Engineering, Brown, 2025

Fall 2023 SPRINT|UTRA Award



Annabelle Gao, Sc.B. Geology-Chemistry, Brown University, 2023

Coauthor on Gagnon et al. (2023, GSA Bulletin) and several forthcoming manuscripts.

Masters at Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement en Géosciences de l’Environnement; now Ph.D. student at Boston University.


Christina Marsh, DEEPS Leadership Alliance REU, Summer 2022, B.A. Environmental Analysis, Pomona College, 2023


Manuscript In Revision!

CLIMATE Justice Initiative Fellow at UC Irvine; now Ph.D. student at University of Southern California

Mia Prausnitz-Weinbaum, Sc.B. Candidate Environmental Studies, Brown University, 2024

Current: NaturalistAspen Center For Environmental Studies



Natalie Chang, A.B. Candidate, Geology-Biology and Modern Culture & Media, Brown University, 2024

Summer 2022 SPRINT|UTRA Award



Elizabeth (Lizzy) Gaviria (LinkedIn) – DEEPS Leadership Alliance REU, Summer 2021/Independent Study 2021-22 Academic Year – B.S. Environmental Science, Rice University, 2022

2022 AMS Annual Meeting Presentation: Modeling seasonal and interannual climate variability in modern precipitation pathways across western North America using air parcel trajectories

Coauthor on Gagnon et al. (2023, GSA Bulletin)

Grants Analyst at Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation; now M.S. student at the University of Helsinki

Lab Visitors

Dr. Jaivime Evaristo – Assistant Professor, Utretch University – Spring 2023 (Website)

Bryce Belanger – Ph.D. Candidate, Vanderbilt University – Summer 2023

Vigash Ravi – Undergraduate, U of Washington – Summer 2023

Jiquan Chen – Ph.D. Candidate, China University of Geosciences (Beijing) – Fall 2023 to Spring 2024

Xueyao Cheng – Graduate Student, Stanford University, Spring 2024

Emily Nigro – Graduate Student, Stanford University, Spring 2024


Lab Affiliates/Collaborators at Brown

Dr. Gerrit Budde – Assistant Professor, DEEPS, 2020-2024

Dr. Xiaojing Du – Postdoc, DEEPS/IBES, 2021-2023 (Now faculty at GMU)

Dr. Weimin Si – Senior Research Associate, DEEPS, 2021-Present

Jared Nirenberg – Graduate Student, DEEPS, 2021-Present

Dr. Christopher W. Kinsley – Postdoc at Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2022-2024

Dr. Dean Kahn – Research Associate, DEEPS, 2022-2024

Dr. Soumen Mallick – ICPMS Analysis Specialist/Research Scientist, DEEPS, 2022-Present

Dr. Blake Hodgin – Assistant Professor (Research), DEEPS, 2023-Present

Dr. Anna Waldeck – Agouron Postdoctoral Research Fellow, DEEPS, 2023




Knuckles,  Gigi, and Penny