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2023 BELL: Eastern Sierras: Catherine Gagnon (Instructor), Justin Custado (Instructor), Kim McCabe (On-site Director), Dan Ibarra (Lead Instructor), Ivy Brenneman (On-site Coordinator)


On Campus Teaching:

ENVS 0070G – Historical climatology and global climate change (Fall 2022, co-taught with Natasha Sekhon; 18 students):

EEPS 1380 – Environmental Stable Isotopes (Spring 2023, co-taught with Yongsong Huang; 13 students; Spring 2025, Upcoming)

EEPS 1960N – Seminar in Analytical Geochemistry (Spring 2023, co-developed and co-taught with Yongsong Huang; 10 students)

EEPS 2910U – Seminar in Terrestrial Paleoclimatology (Spring 2024)

ENVS 1917 – Ice, Coral, Dust and Pollen: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate History (Spring 2024, co-developed and co-taught with Brian Lander)

EEPS/ENVS 1300 – Terrestrial Biogeochemistry, Ecosystems and the Global Carbon Cycle (Fall 2024, Upcoming)


Off Campus Teaching:

paleoCAMP graduate student summer school (, Board of Directors and Instructor, 2021-2024

Brown Environmental Leadership Labs: Eastern Sierras (, lead instructor, summer 2023 and summer 2024 (upcoming)