A fond farewell

As the summer winds up, we bid a fond farewell to several people: Mareesa Islam, Tanner Diring and Jayna Rybner – our wonderful “Surfing Bird” REU students.  These three students spent the summer at Brown, visiting from UC Berkeley, U.… Continue Reading

Celebrating a great year

It was great to celebrate the end of the academic year with all (or most) of the members of the Breuer Lab, the Swartz Lab  and the Breuer-Swartz labs.  Sharon and Kenny have been collaborating together, sharing students and pizza… Continue Reading

DisCoVor 2023

Lab members Siyang, Eric, Yuanhang (lab member, emeritus) and Kenny at the 2023 DisCoVor meeting in Breckenridge CO.

Congratulations to Xiaowei!

Congratulations to our Post Doc Xiaowei He who has accepted a tenure track faculty position at the University of Utah!  Xiaowei will start in January before heading out west!