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Category: Uncategorized

Farewell to Varghese and Gali

We wish a fond farewell to two lab members: Varghese Mathai is moving up the road to take on a faculty position at U. Mass Amherst; Gali Alon Tzezana is returning to Israel and will return to Rafael Industries.  We will see you soon (hopefully in person!)

Stokes 200th Birthday party!

Two very nice pictures from Pembroke college (Cambridge), one taken in  1899 celebrating the 50th year of Stokes appointment at Pembroke, the other taken in 2019, celebrating his 200th birthday.  Scientific luminaries worth identifying: Stokes, Kelvin and Breuer!!  (a few others as well)

Congrats to our graduating Seniors

Congratulations to our graduating seniors:  Eric Shaw (moving to Texas to work at Lockheed Martin), Julian Lopez-Uricoechea (moving to Atlanta to start Grad school at Ga. Tech and William Haddock (moving to California to work at SpaceX) – Bon Voyage!

Eric Shaw    Will Haddock    Julian Lopez-Uricoechea


New web site

We successfully migrated and updated the website to its new location: lots of new and old pictures, updated content.