Him: How is your dissertation coming?


Be someone else for the night! Put on a mask of your choosing, and celebrate Halloween with your fellow graduate students, this Friday at the Whiskey Republic!


Come join us for the GSC’s annual Halloween Party! We’re getting dressed up and so should you! Come as your best Katniss Everdeen, US Senator during the shutdown (or the stenographer…), or even Miley’s foam finger! We’ll be giving out a prize for best costume this year, voted on by the Social and Executive Committees at the event, so put on those creativity pants 🙂
Costume winner will be announced at 11:30pm!

Date: Friday, October 25th

Time: 9pm to 1:30am, shuttles will run on a loop from the Graduate Lounge

Location: Whiskey Republic, 515 S Water St

For Brown Grad Students only plus 1 guest

First 300 people get 2 drink tix per person!
(each tix good for one beer, one glass of wine or a soda)

Delicious finger food!

Great beer and wine!
(we even got you a bigger and better beer selection this year!)

Must have: 21+ ID and Brown ID

If we meet capacity, then you will wait in line, boooo…Come Early! 🙂
Cannot guarantee (a speedy) entrance after 11pm, and you mayyy have to pay the Whiskey Republic cover fee…..come early and hang out in our private section of the bar overlooking the river!

I hope to see many of you there!
Your GSC VP of Social and Student Life,
Brought to you by the Brown Graduate Student Council