Send us your questions!

Q. How can I get involved with the GSC?
A. Come to the meeting! The GSC general meeting is held the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm in the Graduate Lounge on Charlesfield and Thayer. All graduate students are welcome to attend and participate (but only representatives can vote). See also our Officers page to learn about representative, committee, and executive openings.

NOTE: As a result of COVID-19 social distancing policies, please see our Zoom General Body Meeting page for updates.

Q. How can I receive emails from the listservs?
A. Follow the instructions on our Mailing Lists page. Please note the different functions of the separate lists.

Q. I’d like to know more about the union.
A. The Graduate Student Council (GSC) is a distinct entity from the Graduate Labor Organization (GLO). Please visit our Unionization page here for more information.