GSC Overview

The Graduate Student Council (GSC) of Brown University is the student government organization for Brown’s graduate student community of approximately 2,600 members.

Our primary aims are to foster a sense of community among graduate students across departments, to facilitate collective action on graduate student-related issues, and to be a voice for the graduate community within the University and the Providence area. We also provide events and resources to support the academic and social lives of Brown graduate students.

Within the graduate community, we:

  • Serve as a forum for graduate students to express and act upon their concerns.
  • Organize social events and activities that bring students together.
  • Facilitate communication among graduate students via our website, wikis, email listservs and social media channels.
  • Oversee the only exclusively graduate student space on campus—the Graduate Student Lounge.
  • Distribute funding to support graduate student initiatives, group events, and research via a limited number of conference attendance awards.
  • Select the Commencement Speaker and winner of the Wilson DuBlois Award and Bates Clapp Award for the Graduate School’s annual Commencement Ceremonies.

As the official liaison between graduate students and the University, we:

  • Represent the graduate community to all levels of the Brown administration, advocating on issues of concern to graduate students.
  • Appoint graduate student representatives to serve on policy-making committees within the University, across areas from parking enforcement and public safety to the recommendation of the University’s annual budget and the administrative policies of the Graduate School and its Student Handbook (decided by its administrative body, the Graduate Council).
  • Inform students about developments at the University that affect us.

As a bridge between graduate students and the greater Providence community, we:

  • Represent graduate students in local affairs, including on the Brown University Community Council (BUCC)
  • Collaborate with student groups at other universities on common issues.
  • Help graduate students become more involved in their neighborhoods and communities.

When & Where We Meet

GSC holds monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month during the academic year (Sept-Dec and Feb-May), from 7-9pm, though most meetings do not last the full two hours. Free pizza and beverages are provided.

Meetings take place at the Graduate Lounge. All Brown graduate students are welcome to attend and participate in discussion, though only departmental representatives can vote. We hope you can join us!