The Grad Student Council is looking for graduate students to serve on University committees for the coming academic year. It’s a great way to get involved and build that “service” section of your CV. Details about openings and links to apply are below.

We’ll review applications on a rolling basis, so if you’re interested get your applications in soon! Email with any questions.

Brown University Community Council (2 year term)
The Brown University Community Council (BUCC) serves as a university-wide representative forum for discussion, debate, and advisory recommendations on a wide spectrum of issues and concerns. It considers issues of University community policy, the governing of the University, issues related to the overall welfare of the University, and makes recommendations regarding such matters. The term is for 2 academic years (ending Spring 2021) and it meets 3x/semester.
More info and apply here:

College Curriculum Council
The CCC reviews curricular offerings to ensure that academic standards and the goals of the undergraduate curriculum are properly met. Meets 4-5:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month during the semester (first meeting is September 10th).
More info & apply here:

Graduate Council (physical sciences & humanities grad students)
The Graduate Council sets policy for the Graduate School, including degree requirements and new course and program approvals, and conducts reviews of graduate programs. Meets once a month on a Tuesday from 2-4pm. Looking for graduate students in the physical sciences and humanities with at least 1 year of experience at Brown.
More info & apply here:

Graduate Library Advisory Committee (social sciences grad student)
The Graduate Library Advisory Committee facilitates direct dialogue between graduate students and library staff (subject librarians) pertaining to graduate student needs. Topics include the effectiveness of current library collections, services and spaces and suggestions for improvement. Meeting times and frequency are set by committee members, looking for a graduate student in the social sciences.
More info & apply here:

Grad Student Grievance Ad Hoc Committee (indicate willingness to serve if needed)
The Graduate Student Grievance Procedures require two graduate students to sit on an ad hoc committee to review a grievance. The Graduate Student Council is compiling a list of graduate students willing to serve on such an ad hoc committee if required during the 2019-20 academic year (eligible students will be selected at random from those who complete this form).
More info & apply here:

Honorary Degree Committee
The Advisory Committee on Honorary Degrees seeks nominations for honorary degrees from faculty and students and prepares a list of candidates for honorary degrees during the fall semester each year and submits it to the Board of Fellows for consideration. Committee meets weekly from September through mid-October, when work concludes.
More info & apply here:

Public Safety Oversight Committee (2 year term)
The Public Safety Oversight Committee reviews the practices, policies and procedures of the Department of Public Safety, and making policy recommendations where appropriate. The committee meets 1-2 times per semester, and graduate students serve a two-year term.
More info & apply here:

Student Conduct Board (undergo training, serve on hearing panels as needed)
The Student Conduct Board hears matters involving prohibited conduct that may result in separation from the University and/or a transcript remark. Panels are composed of two administrators or faculty members and one student with the same status (ie grad student) as the respondent.
More info & apply here:

Title IX Council (undergo training, serve on hearing panels as needed)
The Title IX Council, housed within Brown’s Title IX and Gender Equity office, is a pool of individuals from which hearing panels will be created. The panel’s role is to analyze the investigation report and, if necessary, convene with the investigator and/or parties to determine whether there is sufficient information to support a finding of responsibility for various alleged policy violations. If there is a policy violation, the panel will also determine an appropriate sanction.
More info & apply here: