GSC is hosting its first international student mixer for Fall Today, Friday, October 14th, 9:00pm – 12:00am. We have heard your complaints about DJs not playing your songs from your country in social events, not having food that is beyond cheese/pizza and not being able to find more of your international peers.
Come join us then, this event is just for you!
For all the people who RSVP and come, I’ll share a playlist link to add your songs to play during the event. Food suggestions from your favorite providence restaurants are welcome.
Since we are celebrating Hispanic heritage month and Navratri is going on for the Indian diaspora (Diwali right around the corner), coming in cultural attire is optional but highly encouraged!
Event is open to every graduate student, we encourage all kinds of cultural appreciation! There’ll be good food, new music to discover and dance to, board games, and more!
Save the date! RSVP HERE