Dear Graduate Students,

The Graduate Student Council invites students who intend to complete their programs in May 2018 to apply to be the Commencement Speaker at the PhD Ceremony or the Master’s Ceremony, both to be held on May 27.

Interested graduate students can apply here up until midnight on Sunday, February 25th.

Also, the Graduate Student Council calls for nominations by February 25 for the Wilson-DeBlois & Bates-Clapp Awards.

The GSC confers these awards annually to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to graduate students and the Graduate School. The award is given on behalf of all Brown graduate students to express their appreciation for the recipient´s dedication and commitment to graduate students at the University.

The Wilson-DeBlois Award goes to a staff member for contributions to doctoral students and the Graduate School and the Bates-Clapp Award for contributions to master’s students.

Wilson-DeBlois Award:

Bates-Clapp Award: