by Anders | Feb 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Qualifying travel dates: March 1, 2019 – August 31st, 2019
Application deadline: February 28th, 2019
Individuals may receive one funding request per fiscal year up to $250 (application cycles occur in both the spring and the fall). Preference is given to applicants who have exhausted, been denied, or are ineligible for other means of funding. Funding is limited and awards are made at the discretion of the GSC finance committee. You DO NOT have to know that you’ve been accepted to present at the conference in order to apply for funding.
by Anders | Feb 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Recognize a staff member critical to your success by nominating them for the Wilson-DeBlois or Bates-Clapp Award. These awards are conferred to a staff member who has made outstanding contributions to doctoral students (the
Wilson-DeBlois Award) or to master’s students (the
Bates-Clapp Award) and the Graduate School. The awards are presented during the
commencement ceremonies in May. You don’t need to be graduating this spring to nominate someone.
Nominations for the awards should be made through
UFunds, found under the “Graduate Student and Alumni Awards” button
by February 26, 2019.
Questions about
commencement speaker applications or the staff award nominations should be sent to Becca Thorsness at
by Anders | Feb 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Applications are now open for 2019
commencement speakers.
The application is available here and the deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 26th. You can also
nominate a peer who you think would be a great speaker using the same form (the GSC will contact them and encourage them to apply).
The speeches allow graduates to discuss their experience, training, purpose, or intentions. There will be separate ceremonies for Master’s degrees and PhD degrees, so there will be two speakers selected, one for each ceremony. Please note, executive master’s students are also eligible.
Questions about
commencement speaker applications or the staff award nominations should be sent to Becca Thorsness at
by Anders | Dec 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
In collaboration with the Graduate School, faculty, other entities of the University, and most importantly with fellow graduate students, we have created new and robust
academic grievance procedures for graduate students. Our new policy was unanimously approved by the Brown University Faculty in early November and put into effect immediately. Enhancing the academic grievance procedures has been a priority of the Graduate Student Council since the beginning of 2018 as graduate students recognized the need for modifications to this essential and often sensitive process.
Responding to the needs and advice of graduate students and utilizing existing policies from our peer institutions, the working group who formulated the revised procedures incorporated several important new features:
-explicit time frames for responses to grievances
-student involvement in the adjudication of grievances
-clear distinctions between informal efforts and the formal grievance process
-compulsory documentation
-ability to appeal at multiple levels
Please find our new academic grievance procedures
by Anders | Sep 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
Dear fellow graduate students,
In light of the developments over the summer regarding graduate student unionization, the GSC is organizing a graduate student town hall to facilitate a discussion on this topic. In this inclusive environment we would like to provide the opportunity for free and open discussion on matters and questions that pertain to unionization, which would affect the graduate student body as a whole. In this space, we will promote an atmosphere of education and information sharing from basics to specifics, and encourage all view points.
Please join us on
Tuesday, September 11th at 6pm in the Graduate Student Lounge (
90 Thayer Street, inside the graduate center, entrance by the spiral staircase). Beverages will be provided.
**To reiterate our stance, the GSC is a neutral body, representing the entire spectrum of graduate students, including both doctoral and master’s students. Each group holds different perspectives and concerns with respect to work, research, and the graduate student experience at our institution. Our constituents include those who are in favor of unionization, those who are opposed, those who are not quite sure, and everyone in between. To best represent all our constituents, we will continue to facilitate a fair and unbiased environment for conversation.**