All recognized organizations must be open to all Brown students regardless of regardless of race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship, culture, linguistic background, caste, age, disability, genetic information, and areas of intersectionality of the aforementioned.
The following is a comprehensive list of all active recognized graduate student groups at Brown University. If you do not see a group matching your interests, you can apply for recognition as an official graduate student group using these instructions. Officially recognized groups can apply for funding support from the GSC.
Biomedical Engineering Board (BMEB)
Description: The BioMedical Engineering Board (BMEB) was established in the spring of 2019 by graduate students to facilitate student-faculty and student-program cohesion by increasing graduate student representation in program decisions and creating opportunities to solicit and implement iterative feedback. The proposed avenues for student involvement aim to create a more cohesive program community in which graduate students feel valued and respected and have the opportunity to create meaningful relationships outside of their primary advisor and lab.
Brown Chapter of the American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Description: The Brown AMS Chapter is a community of graduate students interested in mathematics and mathematics research. The group aims to support the professional development and growth of its members and provide opportunities to present research and network with others in mathematics.
Website: N/A
Brown Graduate Consulting Club
Description: Host events for graduate students interested in consulting to meet and engage with professionals.
Brown Graduate Student Climbing Club
Description: This club hosts frequent get-togethers at local climbing gyms.
Website: N/A
Brown Quantum Initiative (BQI)
Description: The Brown Quantum Initiative (BQI) is the hub for Quantum Science and Engineering research at Brown. We celebrate Brown’s cross-disciplinary values by bringing together Faculty, Postdocs, and Graduate Students across several Departments to discuss novel Quantum research and collaborate on challenging academic projects.
Brown School of Public Health 4 Palestine (BrownSPH4Palestine)
Description: The purpose of this group forming is to create space to process, grieve and learn about the public health crisis in Gaza. Our group provides a spaces that allows for justice and reflection circles to discuss Palestine in the context of public health.
Contact: &
Website: N/A
Brown Student Parent Community
Description: The Brown Student Parent Community is a place for graduate student parents to connect, share information and resources, and build community while a student parent at Brown. The group meets monthly, alternating between in-person meetings on campus and Zoom meetings.
Brown University Aikido Club
Description: The purpose of Aikido Club is to provide to all its members a medium to:
- Have fun learning a world renowned non-combative and non-aggressive martial art.
- Learn self-defense skills and conditioning in a safe and harmonious environment.
- Enhance your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being for a balanced healthier lifestyle.
- Learn valuable protective and defensive falling skills for improved safety.
- Reduce your tension and stress.
- Give yourself a new aura of well-being.”
Brown University Shape Note
Description: Brown University Shape note sings shape note music (also known as Sacred Harp, the title of its main repertoire). It is a New England and Appalachian-based folk singing style and repertoire that is entirely participatory and, since its revival in the 20th century, has become a secular and highly inclusive musical practice. You can learn more about it here: Our group offers an inclusive community for new and experienced singers to gather biweekly, including Brown graduates, undergraduates, staff, faculty, and Providence community members.
Our goals are to provide a consistent space for shape note singers to gather, advertise and encourage new Brown community members to join, and raise funding when necessary for new editions of the Sacred Harp.
Contact: &
Website: N/A
Brown War Watch
Description: Brown War Watch is an anti-war organization at Brown University. Founded in the fall of 2017, the group agitates against aggressive American military policy through public lectures, protests and written analysis. Its members seek to inform Rhode Islanders about their state’s material contribution to US warmaking, a contribution which typically goes unquestioned in the mainstream press. If you, too, are troubled by the senseless violence across the globe waged in service to US geopolitical ambitions, then contact us and see how you can get involved.
BRUNOS (Brown University Optics Society)
Description: Student organization for optics and photonics enthusiasts.
Website: N/A
Chinese Students and Scholars Association
Description: Brown Chinese Students and Scholars Association (BrownCSSA) is a non-profit organization established by Chinese students and scholars at Brown University in the 1980s, which aims to provide a platform for Chinese students and scholars to communicate with each other, help each other, and promote friendship, and to carry out a variety of academic, recreational, athletic, and cultural activities to provide Chinese students and scholars with assistance in their lives, studies, and careers.
French Theory Reading Group (FTRG)
Description: The French Theory Reading Group (FTRG) is a graduate student group that focuses on reading theoretical texts of French or Francophone origin (or texts which are inspired by such theoretical traditions). Each year our meetings are organized around a theme or question. This year’s theme is ‘reading.’ The goal of the group is two-fold. 1. To better understand theoretical approaches that have influenced a variety of humanities disciplines. 2. To reflect on how these approaches influence and/or inform our own research. The group is open to all graduate students with all levels of comfort and/or experience reading theoretical texts. Our focus is on tackling our readings collaboratively in the spirit of mutual support. To get updates about FTRG meetings, please subscribe to our listerv.
Grad/Med Christian Fellowship (GMCF)
Description: The Brown Graduate & Medical Student Christian Fellowship encourages and equips graduate and medical students of all ethnicities to live as Christ’s disciples, following Christ as we seek to be a redeeming influence among the people, ideas, and structures of the university and professions. We practice four commitments, by God’s grace: spiritual formation, multi-cultural community, evangelism & service, integration of Faith, learning, and practice.
Graduate African Student Organization
The Graduate African Student Organization (GASO) is student-led group that aims to create an inclusive space and community by providing a ‘feeling of home away from home’ for African graduate students at Brown, while also engaging the broader Brown community on African centered discourse.
Graduate Engineering Council (GEC)
Description: The Graduate Engineering Council facilitates student-student, student-faculty, and student-program relationships by holding events for the many collective programs across the engineering department.
Graduate Student Association for East Asian Studies (GSAEAS)
Description: N/A
Website: N/A
Graduate Student Book Club
Description: The goal of this group is to discuss literature in a fun but thought-provoking setting. This club will provide students with the opportunity to connect with peers over a good book. Our long-term goals include providing a safe space for student discourse and promoting pleasure reading within the community. The group will be composed mostly of graduate students, but undergraduate students are welcome.
Website: N/A
GSOCnSTEM (Graduate Students of Color in STEM)
Description: The purpose of the organization GSOCnSTEM is to enhance the intellectual growth, professional success, and social enjoyment of minority graduate students within the STEM disciplines. Our main goals include building a community of graduate students of color in STEM, increasing interaction between faculty and students of color in STEM, and encouraging a pipeline for underrepresented groups in STEM to increase URM representation in STEM
Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWiSE)
Description: Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWiSE) is a student organization with the mission of creating a community that supports women in the STEM fields.
Indian Community at Brown
Description: The Indian community at Brown plays an essential role in bringing the Indian community together to celebrate Indian festivals and special occasions. The community is handled by individuals who have varied cultural, linguistic, and social backgrounds, which allows the organization to be an example of a microcosm of the unity-in-diversity that is India. It aims to have a broader reach in organizing events and supporting the community members during their time at Brown.
Industry and Innovation in Biotechnology (I2B)
Description: Industry and Innovation in Biotechnology (I2B) is a student organization offering students in the Brown Community a bridge to the world of commercialization, industry, and innovation in the biotechnology sector. To that goal, we hope to expose students to careers in biotechnology including, but not limited to, corporate strategy, consulting (management and life sciences), and venture capital, and to help students prepare for careers in these spaces through guest speakers, workshops, and other events. In particular, we want to drive the promotion of biotechnology within Providence and the state of Rhode Island by fostering connections between local biotechnology communities and the student body of Brown University.
Website: N/A
Description: 1) The prefix “inter” highlights the mission of the group to span over different domains of knowledge, ranging from science, engineering, and design to art, literature, music, and philosophy, etc.; 2) By means of “inter”, we will try to achieve “infinity” under the central question “how to lead a better life”, given the finite amount of energy, time, and resources we have, by members sharing knowledge and viewpoints and discussing with one another.
Website: N/A
Iranian Graduate Students Association
Description: Iranian Graduate Students Association (IGSA) at Brown University is a non-partisan volunteer student organization which serves current and prospective Iranian students and it is committed to support and serve the interests of the Iranian community at Brown University.
Korean Graduate Student Association
Description: The Brown Graduate Student Council regularly organizes activities for the exchange and development of Korean graduate students, professors, and the local community. Events hosted by the Student Council include the fall freshman orientation, spring graduate farewell party, and Chuseok holiday events, and through these events, we aim to provide opportunities and channels for active exchanges between international students and researchers. In addition, we will do our best to actively promote personal and academic exchanges among Korean students working in various fields through thematic small groups, etc. We ask for your continued encouragement and participation so that we can develop into a place for various information and opportunities that promote Korean culture within Brown University and benefit the Korean community.
Latinx Graduate Collective
Description: The mission of our student group is to foster a supportive and inclusive community for Latinx graduate students by promoting collaboration, professional development, and cultural awareness. We aim to create a space where members can connect, collaborate, and thrive academically and personally.
oSTEM (Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Description: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM) at Brown is a chapter of the national non-profit professional society (oSTEM Incorporated) with more than 75 chapters across the United States. Our overarching mission is to empower LGBTQIA+ folks at Brown University studying or working in STEM fields to succeed personally, academically, and professionally. We aim to achieve this mission by building a community of LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, staff, and alumni and by developing initiatives that foster innovation, leadership, and advocacy as it relates to gender and sexual identity both within individual departments and across the university. Along with the benefits of creating a space for LGBTQIA+ individuals in STEM to connect, our group works to provide professional development resources specifically tailored to navigating STEM careers as an out LGBTQIA+ individual. By leveraging connections with LGBTQIA+ alumni and other professionals, we host panels, discussions, and workshops where students can gain professional insight and guidance. In the long-term we aim to equip members of the group with the skills and confidence necessary to be visible in their respective fields of study both here at Brown, and beyond, and to continue to promote diversity and inclusion across a broad range of professions.
Samuel M. Nabrit Black Graduate Student Association
Description: This is the Black Graduate Student Association at Brown. We foster a community for students who identify as descending from the African Diaspora (as well as allies). We host a variety of advocacy, education, and social events.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Description: Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Latinx and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. As Brown University’s Chapter of SACNAS, we continuously work to foster an inclusive community and resilient network of scientists from underrepresented identities in STEM at Brown University and beyond. Our mission, as a chapter, is to promote and achieve true diversity in STEM through professional development, civic engagement, and community building. Brown SACNAS Chapter goals:
- To bring scientists to Brown University, who will share SACNAS’ ideals, interact with the students and provide them with opportunities.
- To increase the number of Brown University students that present their research at the annual SACNAS national conference.
- To reach out to our local community to increase awareness of careers in science and higher education.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Student Chapter (SIAM)
Description: The purpose of the Brown SIAM Student Chapter, established in October 2015, is to build community and active connections across disciplines and among undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs who share the common interest for applied math. The Chapter hosts academic, professional, and social events, and all are welcome to join: undergraduates, grad students, post-docs, faculty, staff, and visitors.
South Asian Students in STEM (SASS)
Description: South Asian Scholars in STEM (SASS) is the first of its kind professional development organization working to provide networking support to anyone identifying as South Asian and in the STEM field. This group is open to graduate students, medical students, post-docs, and visiting scholars at Brown. SASS has been designed to create a formal mentoring community for current students and scholars with alumni and professors. The group is also working to organize conferences and workshops to enhance knowledge exchange and foster a collaborative environment.
Website: N/A
Description: Tango@Brown is the only student club at Brown University dedicated to the teaching and learning of the dance of tango. Through a shared passion and appreciation for this dance, club members come together to learn how to improve their skills as dancers and how to communicate as dance partners. Our purpose is to teach, learn, and dance tango in an inclusive, welcoming community open to undergraduate students, graduate students and beyond at Brown University. We encourage all dancers at Brown University to join us and share in our love for this art form!
Our goals are to share our passion for tango dancing, to host weekly lessons for dancers of all levels, and to create space for a tango community at Brown University. We aim to host 1 to 2 milongas per semester to bring together the local tango community and learn from each other.”
Website: N/A