How to Search

To search for an individual by name, type their first and/or last name into the search box on the right under "Find an Oral History." Generally, interviewees are identified in this project according to their name at graduation and as listed in the yearbook. A chart including interviewees' names at graduation and current known name is available in the Name Conversion Chart.

Each interview is tagged with relevant topics and the decade of the interviewee’s graduation year, or years served at Brown University for faculty/staff.  To search by graduation year, select a decade from those listed at the right. To search by topic, select any of the topic tags listed below.

Each interview is accompanied by an abstract and a typewritten transcript. These are both  searchable. Type any keyword into the search box at the right to find related interviews by abstract. Or open individual transcripts and directly search the document by keyword. Each interview page includes a citation. This citation lists the interviewee's name, the interviewer's name, and the date of the interview.

If you have a question about searching the Pembroke Center Oral History Project, please contact the Pembroke Center Archives at For further research on cis and trans women and non-binary people at Brown and in Rhode Island, visit the Christine Dunlap Farnham Archive LibGuide.