Welcome & Congratulations!

Dear Seniors,

This year I have had the pleasure of hearing the fruits of your creative work in composition, performance, and studio production. At the Honors and Capstones symposium I further encountered your amazing work in music history, analysis, and philosophy. I am continually amazed at the diverse talents you bring to the department, the quality and variety of your projects, and the growth you have exhibited over your four years at Brown.

Your achievements are all the more remarkable given the challenge of Covid, which struck hardest right in the middle of your academic career. No one found it easy to stay the course during those disruptive years, but you hung on and emerged with bouquets of musical ideas and accomplishments that have made the department feel once vibrant, and vibrating.

Class of 2023, congratulations! Keep on making your music, your sounds, your ideas, your worlds. And send them back to us so that we can continue to learn what is happening out there!


Dana Gooley
Department Chair