Music | Computer Science
Music Capstone Project:
DS: Why do you want it to be radically different?
FB: Because I think my sensibility is radically different, and, if I work as closely as I can to my own sensibility, there is a possibility that the image will have a greater reality.
DS: And do you still have that obsession you used to talk about having with doing the one perfect image?
FB: No, I don’t now. I suppose, as I get older, I feel I want to cover wider areas. I don’t think that I have that other feeling any longer—perhaps because I hope to go on painting until I die and, of course, if you did the one absolutely perfect image, you would never do anything more.
Personal Statement:
Alina is the voice and mind of the prospective space pop duo The Overlovers. Earlier in her Brown undergrad life, Alina met RISD undergrad Tommy, and they quietly formed the band. The two have created over twenty pieces in the last four years, gave new meaning to eight of their songs, and will release their first studio album in the coming times. “Alina thinks their sensibility is radically different, and, if they work as closely as they can to their own sensibility, there is a possibility that their music will have a greater reality.” She is always thanking her lucky stars.