
Fifteenth Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD
11-14 June 2018


Talk Schedule 
Fifteenth Workshop on Non-Perturbative QCD
11-14 June 2018

Monday (11/6)
9:00 -9:30 Registration Welcome
9:30 Kostas Orginos “Parton Distribution Functions in Lattice QCD”
10:00 Philipp Wein “Pion Distribution Amplitude from Euclidean Correlation Functions:  Universality and Higher Twist Effects
10:30 Benoit Blossier Internal Structure of Static-Light States and Pion Couplings of the B Meson”
11:00-11:30  Coffee Break
11:30 Savvas Zafeiropoulos “Complex Langevin Simulations of a Finite Density Matrix Model for QCD”
12:00 Claudio Bonati “Topology and Theta Dependence in Nonabelian Gauge Theories: Recent Results from the Lattice”
12:30 Jacek Wosiek “Monte Carlo Simulation of Gaussian Systems Directly in Minkowski Time”
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 Yuya Tanizaki “Exact Resuslts on Massless Z3-QCD via Anomaly Matching”
15:00 Tin Sulejmanpasic “Anomaly Matching in Quantum Magnets”
15:30 Takaaki Ishii “Floquet Superconductor in Holography
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 Koji Hashimoto “Deep Learning and AdS/CFT”
17:00 Kentaroh Yoshida “Noncommutative Gauge Theories from Yang-Baxter Deformations of AdS/CFT”
17:30 Keiju Murata “Oscillatory Electric Field in Holography and Deconfinement”
Tuesday (12/6)
9:30 Razvan Gurau “Tensor Field Theory in the Large N Limit”
10:00 Swapnomay Mondal “Tensor Models for Black Hole Probes”
10:30 Robert de Mello Koch “Emergent Gauge Theory”
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Antal Jevicki “Elements of Bi-Local Holography”
12:00 Tasuo Azeyanagi “Aspects of Large-D Matrix Models and SYK-like Physics”
12:30 Sumit Das “Dual Space-Time of the SYK Model”
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 Marika Taylor “Holographic Relations at Finite Radius”
15:00 Thomas Mertens “The Schwarzian and Black Hole Physics”
15:30 Miguel Paulos “A More Functional Bootstrap”
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 Luigi del Debbio “NSPT with Fermions” 
17:00 Masanori Hanada “Lyapunov Exponents in Classical and Quantum Chaos”
17:30  Richard Brower “A Strategy for Lattice  Field Theory on curved Riemann Manifolds” 
18:00 George Fleming “Linear Sigma EFT for Nearly Conformal Gauge Theories”
Wednesday (13/6)
9:30 Alfred Mueller “Is There a Conformal QCD?”
10:00 Benjamin Basso “Continuum Limit of Planar 4d Fishnet Diagrams and AdS Sigma Model’
10:30 Chung-I Tan Scattering for CFT and Regge Limit for SYK-like Models”
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 Edmond Iancu “Vacuum-like jet fragmentation in a dense QCD medium”
12:00 Cyrille Marquet “Transverse-Momentum Dependence of Gluon Distribution at Small x”
12:30 Ian Balitsky “Structure Constants of Twist-2 Operators in the Triple-Regge Limit”
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 Elias Kiritsis “Thermalization in Holographic Confining Theories”
15:00 Konstantin Goulianos “Diffraction Results at LHC: Solving a Puzzle Using Precision RENORM Predictions”
15:30 Antonio Szczurek “Central Diffractive Production at RHIC and LHC”
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 Timothy Raben “Inclusive Central Production and Evidence for Conformality”
17:00 Agustin Sabio Vera “Remarks on Jet Production and Odderon in the Multi-Regge Limit” 
20:00 Conference Dinner Chez Francoise
Thursday (14/6)
9:30 Mary Hallsie Hall Reno “Prompt Neutrinos from Charm: Atmospheric and Beam Dump Flux”
10:00 Tyce de Young “IceCube Observations of Astrophysical Neutrinos”
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 
11:00 Gabriele Veneziano “Spontaneous CP Breaking and the Axion Potential: an Effective Lagrangian Approach”
11:30 Gregory Korchemsky “Integrability of Conformal Fishnet Theory”
12:00-13:00 Brower, Jevicki, Korchemsky, Veneziano Panel Discussion: “Non-Perturbative Aspects of Gauge Theories — What Next?”
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30 Kumiko Kotera “GRAND :  UHE Neutrinos and UHE Neutrino Astronomy.”
15:00 Thomas Patzak “Status of DUNE Experiment”
15:30 Herb Fried “Renormalization of Non-Abelian QCD”
16:00 Peter Tsang “Analytic, Gauge-Invariant, Finite, Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics Derivation of Hadron Scattering at ISR and LHC Energies”
16:30 End of Conference